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What Made You Happy Today?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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So of course, AFTER I spent a crapton of money on video games is when I decide to do something stupid in my car and need to get a part. The part is only gonna be ~$30, but if I had done this BEFORE buying the games, I wouldn't have spent as much on the damn games.
Ok so I got some Ebay money in today and it was like the exact same as the cost of the part so that worked out well.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Screw it, double post. I was waiting for the mail to come in, so I did the next race in my NASCAR Heat season, a track I've always been meh at, and I WON!! Then I check the mail and my packages arrived, I replace the mirror on my car which was super fun, and even tho the mirrors are mismatched now, I kinda dig the look of the black one:

Pokemon Sun was my other package so I'm gonna start that now!!


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Screw it, double post. I was waiting for the mail to come in, so I did the next race in my NASCAR Heat season, a track I've always been meh at, and I WON!! Then I check the mail and my packages arrived, I replace the mirror on my car which was super fun, and even tho the mirrors are mismatched now, I kinda dig the look of the black one:

Pokemon Sun was my other package so I'm gonna start that now!!
good thumbing!!!! hahah protect that plate!!!


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
Today me and my friend decided to meet up. He told me to meet him at some spot so I went there. I ended up going in a full circle straight back to my house. I was shouting in my head so much lmfao. It wasn't too bad though, I waved to some neighbors and saw these beautiful birds that I don't know the name of. They were big, you could hear them flapping their wings, at first I thought I was hearing bees flying around. They had long tail feathers too iirc, the birb was mostly brown in color.
When I tried to get to the spot again, I found myself there but couldn't find him for awhile. Though, I did see a couple of American robins while I was there searching for the dude! They were hopping around in the grass and I got a close look at them too! However, I couldn't get any photos, just like the last time I saw a robin. They were still really cute, I could see their little white spots around their eyes.
After a long time of walking around I noticed my friend in the distance. I only knew it was him because I remembered he was wearing a red hoodie today at school. I had to run and chase'em down and then he noticed me and we were both freaking hopping and shouting multiple feet away from one another. There was another kid on the street walking by, I wonder what they were thinking when I was shouting at my friend "I SAW YOUR BIG FAT HEAD!!!" lmfao. I walked back home with him and we had pizza and played smash for the first time with eachother in years. I three stocked him about 4 times lol.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Went over my best friend's house today. I've been reminding her for months to watch Mugen Train but she keeps forgetting, so I just went over and we watched it together. She loved it, and I had an awesome time watching it again (as well as her reactions). I just had a good day overall, I had several hours to just draw and I got to try on my new sneakers. It's just really nice to have a beautiful and chill day like this, especially since this weekend was one of my worst ever seeing as I wasn't feeling well. I even found a four leaf clover on my way home from school today! Finally feels like things are looking up.

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