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What Made You Happy Today?


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
The recent heat has given me an excuse to open my window more often. I like when I open my window, it provides some nice natural ambiance.
There's some light rain today, the sounds of the droplets and cars driving by my house are very soothing.

There's also a couple of birds chirping, I saw them hopping around a bit in-front of my house a little bit before the rain. I couldn't get a good look at them through the window. There's usually a lot of birds around this time, I should probably take some time to go look at them during the weekend or something. A couple of days ago I did see an American Robin on the way to the bus, they've always been a personal favorite of mine. They look really pretty next to all the dandelions.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
i dont see them incredibly often but i saw a red winged blackbird the other day when i was at the pond and if i had the right lens on my camera while i was on my walk, i would have totally snapped a pic. i like them, cuz they're really striking with the sudden red contrast to the rest of their body.
I've only seen Google images of them but red winged blackbirds have the best faces, second to Cockatiels
Screenshot 2022-05-19 6.09.08 PM.png

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