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What Made You Happy Today?

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Oh ****, you live nearby? Let’s grab a beer man. We go there a few times a year to hike Angels Landing and the Narrows.
I'm in richfield, which isn't nearby per se but more than likely not too far off your drive
I went to zion this summer with my friend to try hiking angel's landing but the line was so long we never got up there :V


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Getting off work earlier makes my plans to make tomorrow productive more doable.
Today, I'm taking a break from my diet; I'm having some fine craft beer, and the best sushi in town!
I've seen craft beer and sushi together recently and it doesn't seem like something that would go together. Granted I've got 3 more years before I can have beer, but it still seems like an odd combo.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
Getting off work earlier makes my plans to make tomorrow productive more doable.

I've seen craft beer and sushi together recently and it doesn't seem like something that would go together. Granted I've got 3 more years before I can have beer, but it still seems like an odd combo.
Oh, I love them so much that each can go with almost anything else good and I'll be happy as ****, lol. Some THC with that is just the icing on the cake.

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