Lots of things! Went to Walmart and bought some colored pencils for a drawing I'm working on, and worked more on that drawing (my best one ever, methinks). Also went into Mcdonalds with my Zelda shirt on and a guy there showed me a GBA emulator you can download on a phone! AND my dad gave my electronics back, so I can finish my OC reference sheet before school on Monday (the furry girl said she would draw me something so I want to have it ready when I see her again). ^_^
I was browsing my facebook and I came across this one irrelevant ad, which seems to be really constant nowadays, It was for a septic service, but what made me laugh at it was just how crappy it was, no really it looked worse than those low budget commercials for a used car lot you sometimes see on TV. Now I know that Ads these days are full of crap as much as they help you find guys to remove it.
Just got to level 10 of WaniKani. Hyped to be making progress and also to be recognizing a lot of what I've learned here and there online and in other media.
My daughter turned 18 months today. Seems just like yesterday she was still in the NICU for severe jaundice. Now she's walking, zipping around the house like the Tasmanian Devil. Life is effing crazy guys.
I went gemstone panning today, and I struck it lucky, I found three rubies, five sapphires, a single garnet, four emeralds, a rock that contained a quartz geode and six other plastic sacks full of various minerals.
It always feels good to be able to cook a nice meal for the wife and kid. Cooking is extremely relaxing for me and the satisfaction of knowing they enjoyed it makes me happy.
Today was a bit of a frustrating day at work because so many of the things I was testing were not up to scratch and had to be sent back to the developers to be fixed, meaning we had to delay our scheduled deployment. Despite this I feel pretty satisfied in that I am doing my work well and preventing major site-breaking issues and bugs that others have missed before they actually go live and all hell breaks loose.