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What Link Will Win?


Shadow Instruments
Jan 18, 2012
Minnesota, U.S.A
hey im jsut wondering which link would win...............LoZ, AoL, LALTTP, LA, OoT, MM OoS, OoA, TWW, FS, FSA, TMC, TP, PH, ST, or SS link.....which one do YOU think would win :suspicious: :P :) :) :) :) :) :) o.o :wave: :thinking: :hmm: :nod: :devil: :angel: ;) :D:mad: :rolleyes: :S :yes: :lol: :O :nod: :hmm: :clap: :nerd:

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Technically TWW Link is the same as PH Link. But PH Link would beat TWW Link as He has more experience in battle.

OOS and OOA are the same Link as well, but because the games can be played in any order there are four different Links total between the two games in alternate time lines as they experienced the games in different quantity and order, With a tie between the two less experienced links and a tie between the other two.

FS and FSA have four person teams thus increasing their odds.

I may have missed other points of view based on the relationship between the games timeline wise.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
If Adventure of Link Link can use the Spell spell (yes, it's a spell called Spell) against the other Links he could turn them into a weak enemies called bots. Bots only take one hit to kill if he has at least the level two sword. Some enemies are too strong for the Spell spell to work against and other Links probably are. In that case he still has the Thunder spell which I'm pretty sure will wipe out all enemies except for bosses. If both of those spells have no effect then my next guess would be Twilight Princess Link because he has the magic armor and he can walk while swinging his sword, which no other Link can do for some reason. :hmm:


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
SS link because he has all the triforce. He also has very good swordsmanship skills in 1:1 conflict, but TP link would win if there wasn't any magic involved. The hidden skills tip it off. I think that there are way too many factors to make a clear choice though. What about MM link's fierce deity mask? What about PH link's experience and time freezing? FS links has the foursword. TP link has midna to help out. ST link has a train with a canon. It would depend on the fight's rules.


Nov 12, 2010
Easily A Link to the Past/Oracle Series/Link's Awakening Link (yes, they are all the same Link). This Link has been on more adventures than any other Link has, giving him an obvious edge in combat. He has also received many powerful weapons along the way that are beyond that of some of the other Link's. His health would be through the roof considering how many pieces of heart/heart containers he has managed to find throughout his four adventures, not to mention his Master Sword is the strongest of them all.

His closest contenders would be Adventure of Link, Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time's Links. Adventure of Link no doubt has some very powerful spells, but A Link to the Past Link's Mirror Shield could bounce his more powerful spells, if many of them would even do significant damage. Twilight Princess Link has the hidden skills, but they're useless from a distance. A Link to the Past Link has the sword beam ability that would be crippling to him. If he used his Wolf Form, the Golden Sword could slaughter Twilight Princess Link. Ocarina of Time Link just doesn't have the ability; he's more power than efficient weaponry. A Link to the Past Link is smaller, therefore more agile.

Also keep in mind the timeline placements. A Link to the Past Link generally lives in a more dangerous world than most of the others - aside from Adventure of Link's Link. He lives in a world where Ganondorf/Ganon has basically reigned over Hyrule due to Ocarina of Time Link's defeat. To be able to defeat an enemy that a previous Link could not defines a more powerful fighter than the one who was defeated - in this case, Ocarina of Time Link.

In many cases, experience and better weapons will determine the strongest Link. A Link to the Past Link has the most amount of weapons, and weapons with the best upgrades. Silver Arrows are easily better than fire, ice or even light ones. His Master Sword is the most powerful of them all as well - the Golden Sword is even stronger than the Biggoron Sword. His shield is on par with Ocarina of Time Link's, if not better; it has received more upgrades than Ocarina of Time Link's did after all. Even his slingshot is better - the Hyper Slingshot is a fine substitute for the bow and arrow.

The seeds also give him an enormous advantage - the Pegasus Seeds especially. They can easily allow him to run circles around any other Link, the seeds make him even faster than Skyward Sword Link when he's sprinting. The Scent Seeds can also make a diversion - it can attract unwanted enemies, distracting the other Links. He'd sneak up behind them and deliver the ending blow right then and there.

Every Link is generally very powerful, but A Link to the Past/Oracle Series/Link's Awakening Link is easily the best. He's the most agile, experienced, and has the best weapons, giving him far too many advantages for any other Link to even have a chance of winning against him.


You Mean, Green Thing
Mar 11, 2011
Amsterdam, NY
I think it would come down to TP Link and SS Link. I really can't decide who would win. Maybe TP Link, because of his hidden skills and wolf form.


Canadian Girl
Jan 29, 2012
Somewhere in Time
It's hard to tell who would win... But I doubt they would fight each other, since they are all Link, the only reason they would come together would be to save Zelda and save Hyrule or whatever country they hail from.

That and if they did fight, I think there might be some consequence for gathering Links into the same universe... XD


Shadow Instruments
Jan 18, 2012
Minnesota, U.S.A
It's hard to tell who would win... But I doubt they would fight each other, since they are all Link, the only reason they would come together would be to save Zelda and save Hyrule or whatever country they hail from.

That and if they did fight, I think there might be some consequence for gathering Links into the same universe... XD

there not all in different universes, there just different times


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Easily A Link to the Past/Oracle Series/Link's Awakening Link (yes, they are all the same Link). This Link has been on more adventures than any other Link has, giving him an obvious edge in combat. He has also received many powerful weapons along the way that are beyond that of some of the other Link's. His health would be through the roof considering how many pieces of heart/heart containers he has managed to find throughout his four adventures, not to mention his Master Sword is the strongest of them all.

His closest contenders would be Adventure of Link, Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time's Links. Adventure of Link no doubt has some very powerful spells, but A Link to the Past Link's Mirror Shield could bounce his more powerful spells, if many of them would even do significant damage. Twilight Princess Link has the hidden skills, but they're useless from a distance. A Link to the Past Link has the sword beam ability that would be crippling to him. If he used his Wolf Form, the Golden Sword could slaughter Twilight Princess Link. Ocarina of Time Link just doesn't have the ability; he's more power than efficient weaponry. A Link to the Past Link is smaller, therefore more agile.

Also keep in mind the timeline placements. A Link to the Past Link generally lives in a more dangerous world than most of the others - aside from Adventure of Link's Link. He lives in a world where Ganondorf/Ganon has basically reigned over Hyrule due to Ocarina of Time Link's defeat. To be able to defeat an enemy that a previous Link could not defines a more powerful fighter than the one who was defeated - in this case, Ocarina of Time Link.

In many cases, experience and better weapons will determine the strongest Link. A Link to the Past Link has the most amount of weapons, and weapons with the best upgrades. Silver Arrows are easily better than fire, ice or even light ones. His Master Sword is the most powerful of them all as well - the Golden Sword is even stronger than the Biggoron Sword. His shield is on par with Ocarina of Time Link's, if not better; it has received more upgrades than Ocarina of Time Link's did after all. Even his slingshot is better - the Hyper Slingshot is a fine substitute for the bow and arrow.

The seeds also give him an enormous advantage - the Pegasus Seeds especially. They can easily allow him to run circles around any other Link, the seeds make him even faster than Skyward Sword Link when he's sprinting. The Scent Seeds can also make a diversion - it can attract unwanted enemies, distracting the other Links. He'd sneak up behind them and deliver the ending blow right then and there.

Every Link is generally very powerful, but A Link to the Past/Oracle Series/Link's Awakening Link is easily the best. He's the most agile, experienced, and has the best weapons, giving him far too many advantages for any other Link to even have a chance of winning against him.

The more I think about it the more I agree with you. The first thing that popped into my mind was which games allow Link to be invincible, but in ALTTP the Magic Cape allows him to be invisible and invincible at the same time. On that basis alone he has a huge advantage over everyone else (for instance Links in OOT and TP can be invincible but not invisible), and then he has three powerful medallions that kill pretty much everything around him. Give him 4 bottles of blue potion along with all the items in that game, and he'd kill everything that moves. Another thing to keep in mind is that he has the pegasus boots so he is faster than pretty much any 3d Link except maybe Skyward Sword Link since he can dash. Skyward Sword Link is the one that scares me the most because he is faster than most and can be invincible with the guardian potion plus, but I thought of one important thing he lacks (besides magic). Because he is reliant on bird statues for fast travel he couldn't escape situations at any time like many Links could such as ALTTP Link with the flute or TP Link with warping as a wolf.

The way I see it with the pegasus boots making him faster than most, the magic cape making him invincible and invisible, and three medallions that destroy everything in sight, nothing could stop ALTTP Link. This all depends on whether or not the magic cape would defend against the Spell spell from AOL, but I think it's reasonable to assume it would.
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Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
This reminds me of an idea I had for a Zelda game, possibly a final Zelda game: Someone rejoins the timelines, throwing the world into chaos. All of the incarnations of Link Oot and on are merged into one, and the game is revolved around collecting pieces of Link's fragmented memory and stop the world from descending into chaos.

Anyway, on topic....OoT-MM Link, as he'd have Fierce Diety Mask.

P.S. You forgot CDI Link. :P

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