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What is Your Favorite thing about Your Least Favorite Zelda Game?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
Most of us have a that one Zelda game we think is bad for for more than one reason. Some may think its dull, others completely detest its existence. But most games have at least a few positive aspects. What is your favorite thing(s) about your least favorite Zelda game?
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I didn't even know that Shoebills, aka 'Loftwing counterparts' existed! They're really cool looking.

Yeah, they're so cool. They're scary and goofy as hell at the same time.



Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
the oracle games have some of my favorite pieces of artwork in the whole series, I still hold that if there were ever an anime adaptation for zelda, it should be based on the oracle games or at the very least, have the art style look really close to these game's artwork

it's got some solid tracks too


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
Alttp, set some very important groundwork for the franchise, and the story is pretty good for the time

TP, the Hero's Shade, and Midna are both good characters, and the swords skills, and horseback combat are really cool

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