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Spoiler What is the Skyward Sword?



The Skyward Sword kinda looks like the master sword.. Do they have a connection? Please tell me what you think.


Freak on a leash xp
Sep 8, 2010
the skyward sword is the master sword o.o they kinda confirmed it at E3
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
The thing that leads link into this other land is the Skyward Sword. The mysterious figure you see in that artwork was the Skyward Sword; when it's giving Link advice, it will take the form of that figure. You may have figured this out, but this is the Master Sword -- the Skyward Sword eventually becomes the Master Sword.
-Miyamoto at the E3 2010 Developers Roundtable (sources can be found in the SS Resources link in my sig)

They do indeed have a connection - the same one, it seems, as that of the Picori Blade and the Four Sword. But we don't know when the transformation will take place (during or after the game), why, how, etc

Please note:
DaFunk (applies to all thread starters), the question you asked will (and has) inevitably lead to spoilers, so I have added the spoiler prefix to the thread. In the future, please add this prefix if you are revealing or asking others to reveal sensitive story information.
Link19x (applies to all who post in a prefix-less thread), information such as the identity of the Skyward Sword could be important for the storyline, and is therefore considered a spoiler, which should be enclosed in spoiler tags. Since I have added the prefix to the thread, this is no longer necessary. Just keep this in mind for the future please.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Skyward Sword + Master Sword = :mastersword: (same blade, guard, hilt, and pommel).

Yes, Skyward Sword is the origin story of how the Master Sword came to be, and will probably cover how the MS attained its powers of banishing the evil from existing in the soul. Ergo, the Skyward Sword will likely be Link's first blade, that is before its "transformation."

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