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What is the Saddest Movie Moment You Can Think Of?


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Here are the saddest movie moments for me (in no particular order)

1. Gandalf's death in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
2. When Jack dies at the end of Titanic.
3. The ENTIRE movie Schindler's List.
4. Spock's death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
5. The last 4th of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Some moments are triumphant, some are tragic, some are sad, some are happy, but they're all tear-jerkers.
6. Jenny's death at the end of Forest Gump.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but that'll do for now.
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Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
The end of Wall-E gets me every time. Along with the first fifteen minutes of Up - such a beautiful sequence. And the moment in 50/50 where he goes into surgery, and suddenly freaks out when they start the anesthesia, and he suddenly hugs his mom - oh god, that moment is so emotionally genuine that I just can't help but bawl along with him.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
The saddest movie moment that I ever saw:

When Ash Ketchum dies because of Mewtwo's and Mew's fighting. Then he turns into stone, leaving Pikachu to be alone trying to revive him with electric attacks. I cry so much when I see all of the Pokemon crying for Ash's death. I'm sorry if there are any misspellings, I was cleaning the tears that were on my keyboard.
Apr 3, 2012
I've never cried at a movie, but the closest I've come was this one movie where this kid accidentally knocked another kid off of a cliff, and the child who feel becomes lame. So the boy who caused the accident spends basically all of his time trying to make up for his mistake, but the older sister of the boy who is now crippled resents the kid who is trying to make up for his mistake, and berates him with each attempt to reconcile, even though the little cripple boy has forgiven him. Does anyone know what this movie is called? I've long since forgotten
Apr 10, 2009
The ones taht get me is Adam sander's Click and another movie calledInnocent Voices, those are the first two that come to mind for me.

Specially the later, about how war affects the lives of little kids How they are stolen their childhood and how they are treated as traitors and sentenced to be shot to death as if nothing.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Well, im that kind of persons who doesn't really show emotion. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't! I didn't even cry on my grandfathers funeral, even though I tried. I feel like some kind of "emotion monster" sometimes.

It's not only sadness, but also joy or anger. It has to be a really strong moment for me to show anything at all and so far, no movie has done that.
However, a series has, pokémon to be exactly. When Ash leaves his Butterfree I really do cry, it's so sad.
May 5, 2012
In the land of no return :D
I'm not one to cry at movies, never really had been. But there were a few movies were it really hit home an struck the heart.

Well I recently just watched The Vow, and at the end, I couldn't help it I cried. The end was just to sad and happy at the same time. Not gunna spoil you will have to watch it.

listing a few others...

Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron Herd. I was 11 yrs old I couldn't help it when I saw the train Rollin down the hill after spirit

Dear John


an there is a couple more but I can't think of the names at the moment.


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
La vita è bella

At first everyhing is so colorful and happy, but then things get very dark and sad. It is honestly one of the best movies I have seen in a while


ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪsᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs
Jun 23, 2010
Herts, England
The whole tail end of 50/50.

Cried the first time I saw it, still get choked up even though I know what happens.


8====D Shovel :D
May 4, 2012
I just remember the first time i cried with a movie, anyone remember man on fire? that made me cry like a little girl :'C also in Forrest Gump when hes in Jennie's grave with his son, thats very sad too, but the saddest moment of my life, its when ash releases butterfree, oh god so sad ;____;


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy brims over with moments of melancholy. There are moments that bring sadness (Gandalf's plunge beneath the Mines of Moria), and moments that elicit tears of joy (Gandalf the White's reappearance in the Fangard Woods). The trials and triumphs of the Fellowship, even when they were disbanded, were portrayed so fluidly. Even when hope seemed lost, they mustered their courage and drove through the shadow as one. This cinematic recreation of Tolkien's masterpiece is among the greatest depictions of good and evil combating, and the victims of despair overcoming all grief with companionship.

Anakin's inversion to the Dark Side in the third Star Wars.

Toy Story 3's ending was surprisingly poignant.

And in Hidalgo, when Frank Hopkin's steed (Hidalgo) collapses from utter exhaustion in a cross-country race, and their top competitor overtakes them. Hidalgo lays there as Frank reassures him that it's fine. But then the horse somehow forced himself up and charged with full might, rocketing down the path toward the finish line. Their opponent was just about there, too; but Hidalgo burst past him and took charge. Sadness, but then victory.

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