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What is the Most Random Thing You've Said in Everyday Conversation?


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
Longest title for a thread ever, but who cares.
So, have any of you said something really, really random in a conversation? For example, one time I was talking with my friend, and out of the blue, he says, "POTANENIS!!!" And so then we started joking around about how Potanenis is a legendary Pokemon that's been hiding in Ash's pants the whole time, and that "No wonder Ash sounds so girly!"

So, what's the most random thing you've ever said?


Zoldyck family assassin
Aug 22, 2011
Your Imagination... Is life real?! Am I real?!
"In a stop light, green means go and yellow means mustard. In a banana, green means hold on, yellow means go ahead, and red means where the hell did you get that banana?"

A conversation with my friend:

Friend: Hi
Me: hi.
Friend: You like penguin buns?
Me: Whattywat...? "-_-
Friend: Penguin buns. You like them?
Me: What the hell are penguin buns?!
Friend: Ok, who lit your father cake?!
(awkward silence)
Me: Oh hell....


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
A friend and I had this interesting and quite coherent conversation using bits and pieces of different songs to convey our thoughts through voxer. It was quite the conversation.


The Hero Slayer
Oct 20, 2007
I've initiated conversations with strangers pertaining to temporal mechanics. Not the best course of action for NOT being awkward or random.
May 2, 2012
I have this quiet friend who watches a lot of anime and stays at home all the time. So this one time he was hanging out with my friends and I swear to god I was thinking out loud, he started talking about Yatoshi Shojin (not a real anime) or whatever the hell and I out of nowhere asked him if he ever smelled a bra before.
Everyone just gave me this blank stare and started laughing. I don't know where that kid is now.
If you know me, everything I say is random. Like, I am known to say "nerm" randomly. Or bring up something that might seem completely irrelevant to most people, but it really is a long chain of thoughts that started with the topic of the conversation. So, let's say that I'm talking to my friend about hamburgers. My thought sequence could possibly go something like, hamburgers → pigs → sheep → farm → barn → manure → flies → insects → bumblebees. So, if I bring a mention to bumblebees during a conversation about hamburgers, it'd seem random, but really, it isn't. Oh, but I do love my excuses for things sometimes.... Er, two of the best:

Mom: Amanda, go load the dishwasher
Me: Hang on, I'm trying to read something backwards
Mom: Don't forget to get your shower
Me: Wait, I'm coloring a pancake right now

Then there is always the typical ADHD scenario where I'm talking and then see something. Like, yesterday, I was trying to retrieve a science book that I got for my 8[sup]th[/sup] birthday--and left it at my middle school two years ago--and was bummed out when they didn't have it anymore.
Me: Man, that had a nice periodic--BUTTERFLY! *starts chasing the butterfly*
Me: *after butterfly gets away* That had a nice periodic table in it, too.
My sister: ...
That's just the way I am. xP
Jun 28, 2010
^ I do the same thing in conversations, too. There'll be times where I'm talking to my brother over the phone about something, like maybe current world events, and in the middle of the discussion, or sometimes the sentence, something somewhat related will catch my attention...and then it just goes from there. I could go from talking about the president to rainbow unicorns in like five minutes.

Also, I name things. Like bugs. Especially if I'm afraid of them. And sometimes I'll talk to them if I'm trying to calm myself down, then people look at me funny.


Gotta love me!
Dec 30, 2011
California, USA
There was this time when my friend and I were talking about Super Mario Galaxy. We were discussing how hard this level was when my friend out of the sudden said "Do you think Rosalina is hot?" I was like WTF,started laughing and you don`t want to know what happened next.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Me and my best friend Jessica were talking about SOMETHING, I think it was school...then I said "Jessica, I love you". It is so awkward telling her that, because she thinks I mean on a friend level but I want to be BEST friends with her.


Nov 21, 2010
Not that I can really remember EVERY single thing I have ever said but maybe

"yeah i would make a song and get it in everyone's head and call it the what's his name song!"


I'm good at asking really random questions while the other people are talking. an example. me, my friend, another friend and her dad were going to play in a concert for primary school children choirs.

Friends dad - "Ok, we need to go into the centre, and you set up your drums and bass, while we move some chairs around to make space.2
friend1 - "will there be enough space to fit us all in?"
Friends dad - "yes I think so"
Me - "How do cranes work?"
Everyone - "..."

this actually happened...it happens quite often...I'm an idiot :)


well, a few days ago, my friend slept over and i was starting to go up Death Mountain in my second playthrough of Twiligt Princess, and i had just learned the shield attack from the Hero's Shade, and we were talking about how it was weird that when Link did the fancy sword twirly thing before he sheathes it that it goes through his sheild and then she goes "its a glitch!" quite randomly, and we were talking about glitches and stuff and when i fell in the lava at Goron Mines and i go "it's a glitch! i fell into lava! its a glitch!"
and in school while my friend is walking up i go "Ariel Tweeto passed her first solo flight!" before she even (shes the girl ffrom the show Flying Wild Alaska who used a giant tarp as a wind sail in a extra windy snowstorm cause she does stupid things in situations like that)
ive thought up weirder things, i cant remember anymore right off the bat.


Well, my friend is a huge fan of Linkin Park and other bands. So in Chinese class, I turned to her and said, "What if...Mike Shinoda... walked out of your locker... naked.... and covered in chocolate?" She went insane. Then later, I texted her that again, and more. Chester was in caramel, Kurt Cobain was resurected and in Peanut Butter and more. I even wrote a story about it. And that was the best conversation i ever had.

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