The last video I watched is this one:
Dangit! Catching this shiny is gonna be a pain in the butt! Writing down all these steps and then going through all these steps and even with bubbling water, it's only a 10% encounter rate and it might not even be the right level range! And a bunch of moves learned at certain level ranges can break your chain or prematurely end the battle! Geez, Gamefreak, couldn't you make this any simpler, is this all a coincidence or are you just trying to screw with us again? I have a freaking headache! Is it any wonder I rage quit last time and gave up on catching this shiny (also it'll be a pain in the butt to evolve unless I'm insanely lucking and catch a high-level one, it evolves into Dragonite at level 55 which is very late, also my best bet is chaining it at range level 25 - 30 but it could a long time before I encounter one at that level range), about 2 years ago? Things like that make me want to bash my head against the wall ((((((audible sigh))))))