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What is The Hero's Shade?


Dec 22, 2011
Er, no. Why does everyone just assume this? I don't get it. :hmm: He likely died a simple death. Whatever the case, he's not a Stalfos.


The Hero's Shade is the ghost of the Hero of Time, NOT A STALFOS. Why do people assume he's a Stalfos? I don't know if there's anything mentioned in Hyrule Historia which contradicts this, but I am pretty sure the Hero's Shade takes the form of the golden wolf outside of the ghostly ether. His appearance to me is likely a "special case" as far a ghosts go, seeing as he's the Hero of Time and all - with the mark of the Triforce and all that.

I guess I should provide a source now, huh? Well here's the best I could find at the moment:

Wow, Hyrule Historia is giving away a lot more then I thought it would. :P

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