I have mentioned playing my alto saxophone before, along with having a piano and a guitar, both instruments I can't play. I also mentioned a recorder that I can play but I don't really play often.
Well, some things have changed. I still play the alto saxophone, but mine's broken and I'm using a replacement until I get a new one. I still can't play the guitar, but I'm teaching myself how to play the piano. I'm slowly getting my left hand down.
My dog ate my recorder...but it's ok 'cause I have 3 new instruments.
I now have a pan flute (if you don't now what exactly a pan flute is, it's the kind of flute Link has in Spirit Tracks), and two ocarinas, but two different kinds. Both have eight holes in them, but they're different shapes. One plays better than the other, but the one that plays better is the one that's harder to play. Figures. xD
I'm also slowly learning how to play the trumbone. My boyfriend played the trumbone in high school, and he's slowly teaching me how to play it.
If you can't tell, I realllly enjoy playing instruments. x3