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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Driving my friend insane last night by clearing both Midra and Messmer on the second attempts in SOTE. Scarlet rot breath incantation continues to be the ultimate problem-solver.
did they not brush their teeth very well??? and you were like brush your teeth 500 times??

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Driving my friend insane last night by clearing both Midra and Messmer on the second attempts in SOTE. Scarlet rot breath incantation continues to be the ultimate problem-solver.
I did not like messmers fight at all and killed him as quickly and cheaply as possible
But midra...
I spent a few hours just dodging midras moves because of how excellent that fight is. Hands down the best boss in the game


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Wrapped up Sonic Generations and now working through Shadow Generations. I've completed the first 2 areas and the first boss. Currently exploring the larger open-world and I'm honestly really impressed so far.

Sonic Generations still holds up really well, but the challenge levels are still tedious with only a handful of them being really enjoyable. The new collectible chao don't really add anything either other than I guess giving the player another reason to replay the stages, though they do also decorate the hub world now.

I also experienced a few bugs, like a couple of loops in classic Green Hill having broken animations and the camera in one of the big highways in Speed Highway Act 2 being unable to keep up with Sonic. But most notably, whenever switching to modern Sonic in the hub world, the game would stay stuck on a loading screen, forcing me to restart the game, which happened at least 3 times.

The one thing about replaying Sonic Generations that always throws me off is the fact that Modern Sonic can't double jump and instead somersaults forward, leading to many unfortunate deaths whenever I instinctively try to double jump. I also found the homing attack to not be quite as responsive as it has been in more recent entries, luckily, Shadow can double jump and can home in on enemies and objects from further away and with much more accuracy.

Gameplay and movement in Shadow Generations actually feels a lot more refined since Sonic Frontiers. There also seems to be a lot less room for error when doing more risky maneuvers that would usually result in death because of how much more responsive and fluid gameplay feels in general which is hopefully a good sign for future installments.

Shadow's levels also have such an incredible flow to them with a variety of ideas, segments, and seamless cinematics that unlike Sonic Forces' attempts, really showcase the strengths and potential of the modern boost gameplay when handled properly. Though, like Sonic Forces, I love just how much more violent Shadow's speed and attacks are compared to Sonic's, separating the two typically identical playstyles, which is taken even further with Shadow's new abilities that unlike the Wisps in Sonic Colors, are naturally integrated into his moveset and don't disrupt the pacing of the level.

But what has impressed me the most are the 2D levels, which has always been a low point for me in the modern Sonic era due to how stiff and unnatural movement is in these filler platforming sections, especially in comparison to the superior classic 2D gameplay. But Shadow Generations' approach took me by surprise as it wasn't really highlighted during its marketing and is actually very reminiscent to the Sonic Rush games which seems like such a no brainer and I'm honestly surprised it took them this long to figure that out.

I've also really been enjoying Shadow's challenge stages as well, which are just so much more fun and engaging than the ones in Sonic Generations that I've actually bothered going for the S-Ranks in them despite there being no achievement or reward for doing so, which is a testament to how much better Sonic Team is getting at designing and refining Sonic levels and gameplay. Hopefully the rest of the game can keep this momentum going.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
The one thing about replaying Sonic Generations that always throws me off is the fact that Modern Sonic can't double jump and instead somersaults forward, leading to many unfortunate deaths whenever I instinctively try to double jump.
to be fair, double jumping hasn't been too common in sonic, in fact when generations came out, only sonic colors let you double jump (not counting the one power up in sonic 3)
Dec 19, 2024
Self explainatory thread is self explainatory. What games are you playing right now? As for me, I've got a lot so be prepared.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
Megaman 9
Final Fantasy IV DS

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In free time starting to play stalker 2
Last edited:


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
to be fair, double jumping hasn't been too common in sonic, in fact when generations came out, only sonic colors let you double jump (not counting the one power up in sonic 3)
I was speaking in reference to the other more recent boost style entries. After playing Forces, Colors: Ultimate, and Frontiers, it's just a bit jarring going back to a boost game that didn't have a double jump. I had to constantly work against my own muscle memory during trickier platforming spots. But generally, somersaulting forward doesn't really feel great. It's like a blind risk since it's hard to calculate whether it'll overshoot or go far enough.

It becomes very apparent how much better the double jump is once you switch on over to Shadow Generations. Though to be fair, the double jump in these games didn't exactly feel great either. You don't really get much height in Colors or Forces and it even feels inconsistent at times. Fortunately, like with just about everything in Shadow Generations, the double jump actually works like you'd want it to.

But to continue on from my previous post, after having completed Shadow Generations, it did in fact manage to keep the momentum going through to the very end. It's insane just how much this game is firing on all cylinders. It has DNA from all over the series, like Colors, Forces, Frontiers, and even the Rush games and doesn't just make it work, but somehow does it better too.

This is honestly one of those rare occurrences when a studio seems to be learning all the right lessons from past mistakes to make a better product as opposed to ignoring the problem and hoping a new direction will be better received than the last one without actually addressing anything and running into new problems.

I'm glad they haven't ditched what they were building with Frontiers, which felt like a necessary step in moving the series forward and Shadow Generations is proof of that. The White Space open-zone hub area, while not as expansive as the islands in Frontiers, is a lot tighter in design, allowing for much better flow of progression with much more meaningful objectives and challenges to engage with. I guess my only gripe with it are the lack of indicators for the collectibles which can be a pain when you're down to the last few, specifically the bolts.

But I also can't help but feel like the reason Sega is still pushing on and perfecting this open-zone aspect of Sonic is so that they can incorporate it in the inevitable Adventure remakes and actually do them justice and make them a bigger and more interesting part of the game. Maybe even this time, Sonic Adventure 2 could finally have a hub-world too.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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Started playing Fairy Tail 2. Compared to the first game, it's got the same level of jank in like, not bothering to model certain characters and just giving them anime cut-ins with disembodied voices, playing fast and loose with the story presentation and flow to transition the anime content into game format, etc. The combat system is very different now but some things are still similar. In the first game, it was turn-based and you got five members on the field at once, and your spells all had differently shaped grid aoes so it was actually kind of fun to line up the aoe with the enemy positioning each battle. It was also fun to repeatedly chain special moves with your partners.

Meanwhile, in the second game, it's kind of like faux action? You aren't on a turn based system anymore but you still can't move freely in encounters which is a shame. You normal attack to build sp for your spells which still have different aoe effects but its not on a grid anymore. It's like some half-and-half stuff. But your cooldowns are pretty quick and as the game progresses your options fill in pretty fast so, while the link-ups don't seem to be chainable like before, they still happen really fast so you're still constantly pressing buttons in spite of the cooldowns. So far it's been engaging. My only real complaint is being unable to move, and the number of characters in battle being reduced from five down to three (although you can swap out to any of your reserve members at any time which is admittedly nice).

Link but Swedish

ZD Champion
Nov 28, 2024
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, WSBC eBaseball Power Pros (only a $1.50 but has online, customizable rosters, worldwde tourneys and looks like Wii Sports Baseball.

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