Actively Playing
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All
Just finished the Day 1 trial. The first game was pretty solid, this one has been alright so far and I'm enjoying the first case. The introduction case was pretty cool too, I loved the twist associated with it.
Breath of the Wild
I was playing it consistently every day last month but I sort of lost momentum. I want to complete it on this new file before the sequel comes out, though.
Want to Play, but on Hold
Immortals Fenyx Rising: Myths of the Eastern Realm
Just picked up the full Immortals DLC bundle during the E3 eShop sale. I didn't max out my stats in the base game, and probably could have easily done so in New Game +, but just like with BotW, I lost momentum with the game. I thought about starting the New God DLC, which is a continuation of the story in the base game, but Myths of the Eastern Realm is a totally unique game of it's own and has a really interesting look. I ran around in it a bit, the core gameplay is the same, but what I really like is that some of the powers that were locked behind the skill tree in the base game are available from the start of this DLC. It honestly made me want to just dive in, but I know if I do, this is all I'll be playing for the next two months. I don't want to make that commitment when I had plans to get other games out of the way first (the two above).
Dark Souls Remastered
Probably going to restart with a different character build because as I am now I can probably cheese the game very easily.