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What Do You Think Would Be a Good Title/story for a New Zelda Game?



I was just sitting around, thinking, ya know? And I thought, what could be a new zelda title or story? Then I thought, wow! That would be a great first thread! So post away! It would be cool to hear your ideas!:):yes:
Feb 23, 2011
The Legend of Zelda: Psalm of Somaria

It would elaborate on who or what the hell Somaria was. lol (See Cane of Somaria) Link and Zelda would have to team up to prevent a prophecy lost in time from occurring. The clues to prevent said prophecy would involve the cryptic song known as the Psalm of Somaria. They would have to get the four cardinal deities to sing the psalm in harmony to open up a gate above the Temple of Time. The twist would occur when they find out that the song was hexed, and it now awakens a massive, vile beast that consumes Somaria, the master of the four cardinal dieties. The beast would then emerge from the portal in the sky and devour Hyrule Field and all its towns and inhabitants. Zelda leaves on a mission to consult the four cardinal deities to find a solution, along with her guard Impa. Link enters the mouth of the beast to find known other than "GHIRAHIM"! Mwahahahaha! Just kidding, but he'd find the guy (or woman) who hexed the Psalm of Somaria. Meanwhile, Zelda would be nabbed, after she consults the deity of the west, whom she finds out was hexed along with the other dieties, whom were hexed in the past along with the psalm. Impa would make this fact known to Link and he'd have to go on a journey to save Zelda and Hyrule with Impa as his ally along the way...

It might be subject to a title change during localization/translation, as several past Zelda titles were, given the word "psalm." It's a word that many people are not aware means "song of praise." Psalms is a word featured prominently in the Bible, but it is not intended to reference the bible in any way in my hypothetical Zelda title. Nintendo of America might it necessary - in this scenario - to change the title to avoid any religious references, specifically Christianity. Hooray for controversial titles!


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
The Legend of Zelda: The Cursed Power

It would have to do with the ShadowForce, the anti-Triforce in a way. I don't know about plot, but really, I just think it seems like a good idea to throw that kind of thing in.
The legend of Zelda: The Gates of Time

The Legend of Zelda:The final Phrophcy

The Legend Of Zelda: The Flames of power

The Legend Of Zelda: The Kings of shadow

The kings of shadow is a fanfic I'm currently writing the other ones I have yet to start. The kings of shadow is talking about a lost legend were link intervines when the dark interlopers tried invading the sacard realm.


I wonder if we could send these to developers or something, that would be awesome.
Jan 8, 2012
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Revenge

and I think ganondorf should get a hold of the mask, or

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Roots explaining the demon's story
Feb 5, 2011
As for the plot.
For the console games, I've noticed that unless its a sequel then the plot features Ganon as the main villain, Skyward Sword counting because of Demise's connection to our favorite boar. As for the handhelds, they always have a new villain as the primary villain and the only ones to have Ganon at all were the Oracle games, but even then he was a secret boss.

So for 3DS, I expect it to be either a sequel to one of the previous games, most likely Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword, or a game that takes place somewhere before Ganon's rise in Ocarina of Time. The most likely tale to tell is the story of how Vaati became sealed in the Four Sword, given what we do know there's a lot that could be used to fill this in.

Wii U? Totally expecting Ganon.


The Sacred Wolf of Legend
Jul 27, 2011
the realm of the golden wolves
Legend of Zelda: The Lost Kingdom (could be on third split after ALttP)
Legend of Zelda: Prophecy of Courage
Legend of Zelda: Artifacts of Truth (I think this one would have something to do with the shiekah)
Legend of Zelda: Hero of Destiny

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