Skyward Sword was a great game, but it was "bad" on so many terms.
1.) Motion controls - I really liked them, but they were such a pain. It's really frustrating to shoot your bow or your slingshot perfectly and all of a sudden the point moves like crazy.
The controls were good in some area's, such as swinging the sword, but it was very difficult.
2.) The Harp - The controls lacked so much. All you did was move the Wii-remote back and forth to create music that wasn't....... tasteful? I would have liked it better if they implemented better controls.
3.) Dungeons/Temples - Unlike the regions which were pretty big, the Dungeons and Temples were VERY VERY small. I was absolutely disappointed. Not only were they small, they were very linear. They kind of balanced it out with Skykeep and the Fire Sanctuary, but, wow.
4.) Bosses - Now don't get me wrong, some of the bosses were great! Others..... well..... Fighting the Imprisoned 3 times and Ghirahim 3 times, it gets a little repetitive. Not to mention a fair amount of bosses with their weak point being their eye. That was a bit disappointing. Although I did enjoy Koloktos, Demise, and the FINAL Ghirahim battle.
I believe I've made some points.
But in general, it was a good game.