The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThat Isn't So Great Since We Ruined Our Economy, Future, Stability and Opportunity and Will Probably Soon Be The Divided Kingdom Of Broken England And Wales Because Northern Ireland And Scotland Said **** That
The seasons here go cold and wet, cold and windy, grey and windy and humid hell
Oh wait.. you were speaking physically?
bleh.. boring..... just plain old Norway -_-
Im mentally Hyrulean tho
I'm from Sweden! Göteborg to be specific, the best city in the land!
Sweden represent!
Göteborg is a good city indeed. I say Malmö is the best city in our land though.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no... You've got it all wrong, but it's better than Stockholm
we have some good weather here dude!!!The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The seasons here go cold and wet, cold and windy, grey and windy and humid hell