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OoT-N64 What Complaints Did You Have with Ocarina of Time?

Apr 14, 2012
When this game first came out I absolutely hated it. I tried playing it a few times, but I couldn't even get to the Deku tree. The reason is that they overhauled the entire franchise from what it was before it. I was in love with ALttP and all its aspects, the birds eye view look, and the 2d artstyle, the combat system. I thought the 3d look was horrid, I hated the targeting system, juking system everything about it, the game was totally changed from what I was use to. As I grew older I put aside my stubbornness and I have accepted the 3d style. I have since then beaten the game, and its up there in my top 5 favorite Zelda games.
I don't have any complaints that aren't entirely trivial... so here they are:

1. the Hover Boots - these things worked well, did what they were meant to do but they felt h so dangerous while using them i always thought that were going to give out on me before i cleared gaps. Tense times.

2. Following the Water temple the rest of the game just felt like a do-the-list-of-dungeons-before-something-else-happens kind of thing, it was kind of like TP in the way that the story just seemed to stop for about 2-3 dungeons but TP had more to do in the feild between the last leg of dungeons while OoT kicked you out of one and into another and unless you sread out your sidequests there was nothing to do... but with dungeons as good as OoT what is there to really complain about?


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
For me the Owl was without a doubt the most annoying part of OoT, especially since I just wanted to click through it on the umpteenth playthrough, then accidentally ended up clicking "yes" to wanting to hear it again... :S

It also annoyed me that I didn't get to learn the warp song for the Temple of Time until after I had finished the Forest Temple...

And when Navi got so impatient that she forced me to listen to what she had to say...

And it was a bit pointless that collecting the 100th Skulltulas basically culmninated in an award that was no longer useful (because by then you had bought everything that needed buying...)

The iron boots issue was thankfully fixed on the 3DS-version where the boots were considered an item rather than clothing and you could equip/un-equip at the press of a button :)

Having said that, it's still my favorite Zelda and I love it to bits :D
Apr 22, 2012
only thing that pissed me off was the owl but he was toned way down in the 3ds version so it doesnt piss me off as much

oh and navi of course
Aug 8, 2012
I thought that there was nothing wrong with OOT. I have beat it 156 times working on my 157 on the wii and 158th on the 3DS. THe owl you could just hit b and it would 95% of the time would skip throught the whole conversation and then you rememeber that you just move the cursor down sselect and you where fine. I thought Sheik was a great character. Overall I thought OOT more balanced than other zelda games but that is just my opinon.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
You wanna know what made the 100 Skulltulas really useless? The fact that I could just sell an infinite amount of bugs for 30 rupees to that one spazz in Kakariko and then spend it on nothing in particular.
Aug 8, 2012
You wanna know what made the 100 Skulltulas really useless? The fact that I could just sell an infinite amount of bugs for 30 rupees to that one spazz in Kakariko and then spend it on nothing in particular.

or as an adult just kill the skull kid for 200 rupees leave the room and go back in a do it again lol. you dont even need to leave to lost woods lol


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
It had some items that I could honestly go through the entire game without using

If you didn't want to advance the main story, there wasnt much else to do. It's hard to fool around in that game

Some very poorly designed areas (i'm pointing at you Zora's Domain)

Other than that, very solid game


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
The Shadow Temple was poorly designed. Running that same gauntlet again and again was lame, tiresome, and punishing.
Rupees were completely beside the point. Not bad for us, but I wonder why Nintendo even bothered to take the time to implement something so useless.
Navi. OMG STFU! I'm looking at you too Mr. Owl!
I don't like having to wait so long to get to the adult portion of the game. I wish Zelda games would buck this trend anyway. And would it kill them to let us do dungeons in any order?
Text scrolls a bit slow. I didn't like that it would skip the entire conversation instead of jumping to the next line. And can we have a bit of voice acting please?
on that same note, yes I am sure I don't want to read all that again! except I'm skipping through it again anyway because I accidentally said I did when you asked for conformation!
Epona can't jump and balks at everything. That horse is a woose.

Other than that, game's great :D


He gave me LOADED DICE!
Aug 17, 2012
Epona's movement was very wonky...
Some areas needed better designing(ahem, SHADOW TEMPLE)...
That stupid owl...
And there wasn't much to have fun with when there's all work & no play.
But it was a very good game, I have to say.

New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
Complaints about Ocarina of TIME? HAHAHA thats a good one!

No, in all seriousness, The default on no with Kepora Geapora is dumb, and not skipping cut scenes in MQ or OOT 3D

Maybe more enemies in the over world?

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I played Majora's Mask first and as I was playing, I was told how much better OoT was. Thus, when I finally got to OoT,t here was no way it could've lived up to the hype especially when you take in that MM was essentially and upgrade of OoT. Thus, my original complaints with the game was that it simply wasn't as interesting as MM. Now I take into consideration that MM is so great because of OoT and all other sorts of blah. As of now, I don't have any complaints about OoT. There are flaws to it, but considering that it was the first step into the 3D world and that the game was supposed to entail so much more but couldn't due to technical difficulties... I forgive all mistakes.

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