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What are your favorite exercises


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
A simple question, what's your favorite exercises. Mine personally are Dodgeball, pushups, pull ups, roundabouts, and logic puzzles.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Bicep curls and Lateral raises for the shoulders are my favourite exercises. I also like to exercise the mind by playing video games.


Jul 1, 2012
Gym wise there's a few. Though favourites depends on a few factors for me; the pump, how beneficial the exercise is and how well I do at performing the exercise.

I like a lot of shoulder exercises due to the fact that it was always a weak point of mine until earlier on last year, so now I'm making a lot of progress. I love the standing overhead press, especially when reaching new PRs. Then you have stuff like lateral raises, wide grip upright rows, dumbell shrugs etc. Other favourites include tricep pushdown, hammer curls and lat pulldowns. Squats, deadlifts, and the bench press kick my ass most of the time, so they'd be on least favourites.

Apart from the gym, I love running. Just put on some gear, take a water bottle, some headphones, and just run. Luckily enough I live quite close to a lot of farm land, so that's where I tend to run. It takes my mind off things and it's actually quite peaceful. After running I'd probably say Tennis, which is more intense and competitive though.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Squats, deadlifts, and the bench press kick my *** most of the time, so they'd be on least favourites.
You've touched on some of the most beneficial exercises of all times, squats are absolutely amazing for the legs and it also helps you with much more beyond that. Imagine that you need to lift just about anything. Squats are there to teach you proper form, and you can even practice with weights using kettlebells of all sizes.

As for deadlifts, they hey also build your muscles and are intertwined with squats.

Bench press would be the classical meathead exercise, but it's important nonetheless as it works out the most used muscles of all times.


Jul 1, 2012
You've touched on some of the most beneficial exercises of all times, squats are absolutely amazing for the legs and it also helps you with much more beyond that. Imagine that you need to lift just about anything. Squats are there to teach you proper form, and you can even practice with weights using kettlebells of all sizes.

As for deadlifts, they hey also build your muscles and are intertwined with squats.

Bench press would be the classical meathead exercise, but it's important nonetheless as it works out the most used muscles of all times.
Yeah I've been doing these exercises for the best part of 2 years now. Doesn't change the fact that they kick my ass when it comes to doing them though, lol.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Well, I'm personally fond of sitting up, lying back down, and reaching for things without success.

Joking aside, I run and do Taekwondo. And, since it looks like people are counting logic puzzles as exercise here, I'll add that to.
So many puzzle books, so little time...
Feb 23, 2011
I am not too keen on exercizing. I feel as though the last time I exercized was back when an old friend of mine and I became obsessed with MMA. Quite honestly, neither him nor I knew what the hell we were doing; we were just two geeky, obsessed losers. All those jumping jacks and extensive stretching got us nowhere, though I can say I've become a lot more flexible.

However, I come from a long line of walkers. This isn't so much of a going out of my way to exercise, though, as it is out of necessity (i.e., I don't drive).The farthest I've walked was 20 miles. My most treacherous walking experience occurred during one of the biggest snowstorms in over a decade, winter 2012. I guess that shows how dedicated I am to this "exercise."

People tend to think I workout, though. lol I've probably only lifted three times in my whole life. My oddly-shaped shoulders make me look horizontally larger than I appear. I may weigh 200 lbs., but I'm also 6'3. You do the math. lol
Jul 11, 2014
The Lost Woods
I need to get my cardio back on track for rugby season.

Depsite it making me feel like the whitest of white girls, I love yoga.

I like tennis...but only for using the racket to smack tennis balls around for the dog to chase since he needs tons of exercise. I also like taking him for walks and jogs in nicer weather. Hate having to wade through snow banks.

I miss playing soccer, since I played from 5-18. That was good exercise.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I do some really intense skiing pretty much every weekend. And by intense, I mean the type of skiing that works your leg muscles really hard; powder skiing, mogul skiing, and the occasional jump (they actually do, believe it or not) as well as the occasional ski race (skiing in a crouched position is really hard on your legs, but actually strengthens them immensely).

Other than that, I also do a lot of walking (seriously, I walk like everywhere), and sometimes running as well. Mountain biking is another good leg strengthening exercise and I do a fair amount of that in the summertime.

For strengthening my arms, I also occasionally do some lifting, though I haven't really done much of that in some time. I've found my arms getting stronger everyday though, because of my line of work; I work at a furniture store, so we're always carrying heavy stuff upstairs and hauling 700lb fridges up and down stairs on dollies.

Then there's the fact that I'm a drummer, and when I do my almost daily drumming sessions, I go all out. I work on speed, accuracy, intensity. All of these things are great arm and leg exercises. And since I tend to play fast and aggressively, my arms and legs are almost always sore after a good 2 hour session.

And then there's all the snow shoveling I do. I tends to snow upwards of 3-4ft overnight, and then rain during the day, and the snow absorbs all the water, which causes the snow to become extremely heavy (150lbs per cubic foot at the worst). Spend 2-3 hours shoveling all that **** away, and you get some fantastic exercise out of it.

Even though I hate winter, it makes me stronger, lol.

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