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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Staff member
Props to @Jamie for the initial idea in the BOTW forum. I figured we should also have a thread for what you’re doing in any Zelda game in general too for World of Zelda, so here it is.

I’m playing through Wind Waker at the moment with a friend. We finished the Forbidden Woods and travelled home to find Granny sleeping. We’re hoping to be able to finish the game together by April.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
I'm also playing wind waker right now. I'm trying to find the triforce shards. Also in Twilight Princess I just finished the Goron mines


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I'm also playing wind waker right now. I'm trying to find the triforce shards. Also in Twilight Princess I just finished the Goron mines

Funny i'm playing that as well right now ^^. Onto the earth and wind temples. I looked at my old file from 2015 and saw i had all figurines boy was i shocked ^^.

Planning on playing Minish Cap Soon.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Reading up on Hyrule Warriors Legends to get ready for the Switch version. Never played it on the 3DS so it should be refreshing enough to warrant a third purchase of the game. :P

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Currently working on an independent 100% playthrough of Ocarina of Time, though I haven't touched it in a few weeks. Last completed the Forest Temple. I know the game quite well, but there are still some heart pieces and about 25 or so Skulltulas that I don't know the exact location of at the top of my head, so I still will need to explore a bit.

I am also now playing through The Minish Cap for the second time. Finished the Temple of Droplets a few days ago and just haven't had the time to play much this week. Not a 100% run, just playing casually and grabbing things as I find them.

I've also been playing Tri Force Heroes here and there whenever I can find people to play with, but it's difficult to get a steady team together to play through the whole game.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Currently working on an independent 100% playthrough of Ocarina of Time, though I haven't touched it in a few weeks. Last completed the Forest Temple. I know the game quite well, but there are still some heart pieces and about 25 or so Skulltulas that I don't know the exact location of at the top of my head, so I still will need to explore a bit.

I am also now playing through The Minish Cap for the second time. Finished the Temple of Droplets a few days ago and just haven't had the time to play much this week. Not a 100% run, just playing casually and grabbing things as I find them.

I've also been playing Tri Force Heroes here and there whenever I can find people to play with, but it's difficult to get a steady team together to play through the whole game.
when im not flat broke ill get TFH and play w u fam
Finished TP HD last night and now I’m sad.. :kawaii: That game seems to bring more emotions out of me than any other. Think I’m going to move on to another replay of MM!


What it looks like to share an opinion. <3
Sep 21, 2014
Currently just roaming Hyrule in Breath of the Wild. Finding more Korok seeds as I go, grabbing dragon bits to upgrade the Armor of the Wild (the only set I'll allow to be fully upgraded in that save file), but I'm having fun going through the Hyrule Compendium and trying to get really neat photos for each thing. Sometimes that means getting a really good, close picture of an animal, or finding a character holding a bit of gear, or trying to set up a good still life or something. It's been fairly enjoyable, it makes me feel like some NatGeo photographer. It's also made me aware of just how much I dislike the weather patterns at times, not because of rain but because I'm now aware of how many washed out, grey, cloudy days there are as well. Always seems like the moment I find something like an Energetic Rhino Beetle to photograph in brilliant sunlight that the clouds roll in and it all goes flat.



Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Got around to beating Ocarina of Time again via PC emulator. I installed a cell shaded WW based texture pack and it definitely makes the game look fresh. I actually favor it more than the HD retextures.

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