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What Annoyed You Today?

Kinda just thinking about this right now, but I currently have allowed myself to be annoyed by the fact that too many people anymore pick favorite characters based on whether or not they're attracted to them, and, like, that just got me thinking about how our minds are so screwed up that it's becoming normal for people to be incapable of differentiating different types of "liking" something. And that is so saddening. But something as innocent as it happening with favorite characters just envelops the way people perceive how they like things in general. Too much anymore I see people saying they want to **** an intangible concept because they have no other way of articulating how much they love it. There's probably a term for this. But idk that's my intrusive thought of the day. I'm not sure if I'm annoyed that it's happening or that I'm thinking about it. Probably the latter cuz now I'm more aware of it than I wanted to be.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Kinda just thinking about this right now, but I currently have allowed myself to be annoyed by the fact that too many people anymore pick favorite characters based on whether or not they're attracted to them, and, like, that just got me thinking about how our minds are so screwed up that it's becoming normal for people to be incapable of differentiating different types of "liking" something. And that is so saddening. But something as innocent as it happening with favorite characters just envelops the way people perceive how they like things in general. Too much anymore I see people saying they want to **** an intangible concept because they have no other way of articulating how much they love it. There's probably a term for this. But idk that's my intrusive thought of the day. I'm not sure if I'm annoyed that it's happening or that I'm thinking about it. Probably the latter cuz now I'm more aware of it than I wanted to be.

I kinda have the opposite issue where if I like someone's personality or whatever then I start to find them attractive. It obviously doesn't happen for everyone/every character but it has happened a good amount of times. I dunno why my brain works like this. Probably the most recent example I noticed was watching the show Castle Rock. In it Bill Skarsgard plays this mysterious character. I have never found Bill Skarsgard attractive but for some reason after liking this character I started to find him attractive. There was a part where he played the same character but basically in a different universe/timeline and so he acted completely different and I didn't find him attractive during that part. Lmao.
I kinda have the opposite issue where if I like someone's personality or whatever then I start to find them attractive. It obviously doesn't happen for everyone/every character but it has happened a good amount of times. I dunno why my brain works like this. Probably the most recent example I noticed was watching the show Castle Rock. In it Bill Skarsgard plays this mysterious character. I have never found Bill Skarsgard attractive but for some reason after liking this character I started to find him attractive. There was a part where he played the same character but basically in a different universe/timeline and so he acted completely different and I didn't find him attractive during that part. Lmao.
But I mean that's how attraction works. Not even necessarily romantic attraction, but just like an interest in anything, that thing is way more appealing the more you learn about it. As a photographer, I am particularly partial to the insects that I spend the most time shooting and observing, because I'm interacting with them so much. But I'm not in love with them romantically obviously.

Which with characters, it can overlap with feelings of romance and affection since they're persons with the wants and motives of a person, sure.

And I'm definitely guilty of liking characters for their design too and I'm not saying that's inherently an issue cuz sometimes that's the most revealing part of a character, but like, a design being appealing or attractive doesn't mean you're actually... attracted to them, and I feel like that separation is something that is slowly being lost.
Jan 23, 2022
one thing that annoys me is Gamefaqs these days where ban you everwhere whenever you try to sign up for their stupid messageboads

Its like they know every IP address or use a satelitte from space to track your exact location or something.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I applied for another job, got hired and starting date would be 10-17th. So of course I told my boss I would leave. I heard nothing about the other job. I should receive my contract by email. 3 weeks later still nothing so I had a talk with my boss and we came to a solution. I would stay with them. And guess what arrived today? A letter by mail welcoming me for the start of my new job starting saturday! But still no contract. So I just told them I already made another decision and stayed with my current job. Too bad for them but in total 4 weeks without hearing anything at all and then change the date to october the first instead of october the 17th isn't something reliable


Staff member
I applied for another job, got hired and starting date would be 10-17th. So of course I told my boss I would leave. I heard nothing about the other job. I should receive my contract by email. 3 weeks later still nothing so I had a talk with my boss and we came to a solution. I would stay with them. And guess what arrived today? A letter by mail welcoming me for the start of my new job starting saturday! But still no contract. So I just told them I already made another decision and stayed with my current job. Too bad for them but in total 4 weeks without hearing anything at all and then change the date to october the first instead of october the 17th isn't something reliable
That sounds super frustrating, but sounds like you dodged a bullet if they’re that disorganized. Glad to hear you could stay with your current job still.

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