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What Annoyed You Today?

Azure Sage

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My car suddenly stopped working as I was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot. The gas pedal just... stopped working. Very abruptly. There was no resistance when I pressed it and the engine didn't rev. I had a mini panic attack and called home for some help because that had never happened to me before. Dad came over and fiddled with the car and the gas pedal started working again. We got the car home but the ride felt very shaky and the pedals didn't feel the same as before it happened. I've been needing a new car for a long time now anyway but that was the final nail in the coffin for me. I dont feel safe driving it anymore.

The best part is I go back to work tomorrow. :) thankfully my route to work is entirely within neighborhoods, no main roads at all. But still. Yikes.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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My car suddenly stopped working as I was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot. The gas pedal just... stopped working. Very abruptly. There was no resistance when I pressed it and the engine didn't rev. I had a mini panic attack and called home for some help because that had never happened to me before. Dad came over and fiddled with the car and the gas pedal started working again. We got the car home but the ride felt very shaky and the pedals didn't feel the same as before it happened. I've been needing a new car for a long time now anyway but that was the final nail in the coffin for me. I dont feel safe driving it anymore.

The best part is I go back to work tomorrow. :) thankfully my route to work is entirely within neighborhoods, no main roads at all. But still. Yikes.
Idk much but this sounds like it could be a simple fix, maybe fuel injectors? Idk for certain tho, but cars don't usually just manifest a fatal issue out of nowhere like that.

Azure Sage

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Idk much but this sounds like it could be a simple fix, maybe fuel injectors? Idk for certain tho, but cars don't usually just manifest a fatal issue out of nowhere like that.
Idk anything about how cars work. But this isnt this car's only issue. It's a 2011 model and its been heavily used since my brother initially got it back then, it was his first. Plus its too small for me and I can barely fit in it. I've been long overdue for a car that's more than a go-kart.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Idk anything about how cars work. But this isnt this car's only issue. It's a 2011 model and its been heavily used since my brother initially got it back then, it was his first. Plus its too small for me and I can barely fit in it. I've been long overdue for a car that's more than a go-kart.
Fair, idk this car so I can't really say anything. What kind of car is it, just curious


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My bus ended up not showing up after school today. My parents were doing stuff in a city 30 minutes away, so I eneded up having to walk home. It took me 50 minutes. Note that this was after two hours spent in shop, working outside and standing.
In more recent news, I meant to post this 40 minutes ago but got another stupid nosebleed.

Azure Sage

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Last night around midnight I was suddenly afflicted with severe nausea out of nowhere. Couldn't sleep the rest of the night and had to call out of work for the first time this school year. My perfect attendance... :(

I don't know what made me so nauseous. I was completely fine yesterday. I wonder if it was something I ate again... Man.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
How long it takes to get into any specialty doctors. I had my doctor refer me to a neurologist because when I get too hot I get incredibly bad migraines. I've always dreaded summer because of it, and I can't even really exercise or anything because it doesn't matter if I get hot outside or inside I'll still get sick/get a migraine. I also didn't know until a couple years ago that I have a birthmark on the back of my head that is similar to one I have on my back. Those types of birthmarks (port wine stain) are the result of enlarged blood vessels so I want to see if maybe that's the possible cause. My doctor gave me medicine to try to prevent them and some to take if they break through the preventative medicine. But I can't get into the neurologist until July 27th. Which sucks since I wanted to try to figure this out before summer got too bad. I've been getting hot easier lately. And this weekend it was 80F+ out when I had to help my sister move. Which lead to me getting a really bad heat induced migraine.

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