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What Annoyed You Today?


"Don't take us so lightly."
Feb 18, 2017
Pirates' Fortress
Just stupid kids at school being total ***wipes to my favourite teacher. Usually there's one year that everyone was rebellious in, generally year 8 at my school but these kids are in year 10 now and they're still actual ****heads. They cause trouble for the same teacher all the time. They never sit through a whole class with her. I feel so bad. Not to mention that particular class has all of the worst little b****** and f***heads in it.

They make me so mad. I mean I know I'm still a kid (I class anybody younger than me as a kid considering I'm in my last year of school now) but a vast majority of kids these days don't have any concept of the word respect. Even kids new to high school have no respect. When I first started high school I was terrified of the seniors and any other year higher than me for that fact. These kids have no fear of us now.

These are the kind of people that give millennials a bad name.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Just stupid kids at school being total ***wipes to my favourite teacher. Usually there's one year that everyone was rebellious in, generally year 8 at my school but these kids are in year 10 now and they're still actual ****heads. They cause trouble for the same teacher all the time. They never sit through a whole class with her. I feel so bad. Not to mention that particular class has all of the worst little b****** and f***heads in it.

They make me so mad. I mean I know I'm still a kid (I class anybody younger than me as a kid considering I'm in my last year of school now) but a vast majority of kids these days don't have any concept of the word respect. Even kids new to high school have no respect. When I first started high school I was terrified of the seniors and any other year higher than me for that fact. These kids have no fear of us now.

These are the kind of people that give millennials a bad name.

Kids are dumb sometimes, hang in there buddy ^^


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I woke up.



Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Bastids cut my hours today! :mad: they KNEW ALL ALONG and didnt tell me! Hoe am i gonna make the $$$ if i cant go to work? What the ****@


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Okay the real annoyance is that my car ****ing died. I think the battery is deadn or maybe the starter. Either way its costing me money that i dont have.


I am the very model of a modern major-general
Oct 1, 2012
Exactly where you would expect.
Attack Helicopter
My girlfriend is grumpy and stressed out so I'm also grumpy and stressed out.

I have a 5 hour flight tomorrow and I want to play BotW but I have the wii u version.
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