Heroine of Time
Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Well... I'd say it was rather easy. However, I must admit that I did die once, because I forgot that I had two Heart++ Potions, haha.
It was more the creativity of the battle and how close it felt to one-on-one sword fighting that makes me like it. Demise and Ghirahim are the only times I really ever used my shield in Skyward Sword (aside from Octoroks, of course). I usually forgot that I had it. Throughout Hero Mode, I tried to use it a little more often, but it's still those last two battles that I really feel it helps. Plus, I absolutely loved calling down lightning to smite the enemy. That was incredible.
...I do wish it could have been longer though.
It was more the creativity of the battle and how close it felt to one-on-one sword fighting that makes me like it. Demise and Ghirahim are the only times I really ever used my shield in Skyward Sword (aside from Octoroks, of course). I usually forgot that I had it. Throughout Hero Mode, I tried to use it a little more often, but it's still those last two battles that I really feel it helps. Plus, I absolutely loved calling down lightning to smite the enemy. That was incredible.
...I do wish it could have been longer though.