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Very Quick Analysis of New Trailer

Nov 8, 2010
Just a few quick and interesting tidbits or questions to start some new discussion:

1. Curious to who the large statue in Skyloft represents? One of the goddesses? I know there had been some thoughts that maybe the goddesses would appear for the first time in this game, but if there is a statue to them then obviously the goddess mythology is already in existence.

2. Very cool the way that they get on their birds by simply leaping off the edge. Very Avatar-like.

3. I'm dying to know what that creature was that swallowed "potential Zelda".

EDIT...3A. During the scene where Zelda is falling into the mouth, you can see she has a piece of blue cloth on her side that has the Royal Crest on it. Obviously it does not represent that yet, but it must be her family's crest before they become the Royal Family.

4. At 1:02 in the trailer, it shows Link with an old man (looks similar to the King in WW), but behind the man is a bookshelf with the Kokiri symbol engraved into it. Possible hint towards the people of Skyloft becoming the Kokiri, and maybe the future Kokiri in OoT dress the way they do because of the Link from SS.

5. There is a scene showing the bird creature dropping Link (and it doesn't seem like a cutscene), which may indicate that you will be able to control the bird at certain times and explore the air and/or initiate when and where Link is dropped. .

6. At 1:20 in the video you can see Link's beginner shield and sword. Immediately after that, Link still has the early sword, but the Hylian shield with the same Royal Crest as earlier games. A little strange that the shield would look the same at this point.

Thoughts on any of these comments?

EDIT: Demo video observations:

1. The dungeon that is shown is the Sky Temple.

2. Developer guy mentions having to go back into "old" dungeons throughout the game. Very interesting and different from most titles.

3. Look like they changed the screen layout just a bit by getting rid of the Wii remote outline on the right side of the screen (I like that change) which was in the earlier trailers.

4. Don't really like the triple stacking of the heart meter, shield meter, and rupee count all on the upper left part of the screen. They need to move the rupees back down to the bottom left or right.

5. Shield meter is much more prominent, but I never saw it go down or be used up.

6. Developer guy also mentions that Items may need to be "built" essentially, by collecting different elements of the same item before it can be fully used or having a fully upgraded item. I guess that's similar to many previous games where we would upgrade swords or other items throughtout the gameplay, but he seemed to talk about it like it was something new, so maybe it's something you won't fully grasp until you play the game.
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Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
Game Trailers featured a demo of the gameplay in Skyward Sword. It turns out that the girl is Zelda (there was a text box that said "Wait until Zelda sees this!"). And the bird flight stuff looks really cool as well! It looks like they used the same control scheme as the Kargarok in Twilight Princess. You flick the Wiimote to dash. You can also jump off of your bird at any time to explore any of Skyloft's islands.
Nov 8, 2010
Game Trailers featured a demo of the gameplay in Skyward Sword. It turns out that the girl is Zelda (there was a text box that said "Wait until Zelda sees this!"). And the bird flight stuff looks really cool as well! It looks like they used the same control scheme as the Kargarok in Twilight Princess. You flick the Wiimote to dash. You can also jump off of your bird at any time to explore any of Skyloft's islands.

Very cool. Thanks for the info.

A lot of that stuff may not have been actual gameplay.

I don't think I quite follow what you mean. Are you referring to my last point about controlling the flight of the bird?

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
But please, Mister Aonuma, Mister Miyamoto, Mister Iwata, please spare me with this Avatar ****. This was the only flaw I could see in the new trailer. Does not mean I'am impressed. The new graphic style is still a bit too experimental for me. There are a few nice scenes, especially at the end, but I'm far away from freaking out. I have to play Skyward Sword finally by myself. This is a complete different story compared to Twilight Princess a few years ago. So, I'm a bit disappointed. But I wont cry. The game will mostly become a great game. Miyamoto promised something at the beginning. So I'm looking forward to his words.
Nov 27, 2010
That trailer was beautiful, Skyloft seems much more interesting than Ordon and we will probably have to spend a lot of time there. That monster eating the girl when she fell was very surprising...
Nov 8, 2010
That trailer was beautiful, Skyloft seems much more interesting than Ordon and we will probably have to spend a lot of time there. That monster eating the girl when she fell was very surprising...

Yeah, I'm very interested in that monster. Kind of wonder if it will end up being a Jabu-Jabu situation, with us trying to save Zelda from within the monster's belly. As long as they don't make us carry her around everywhere like a little diva or something.
Feb 23, 2011
Referring to the OP's 3rd (3a) observation, I assume this game might explain the origins of many things in Zelda series (from OoT forward).

There are many things people are observing that may suggest this. It may further imply that all human/Hyrulean inhabitants descended from Skyloftians, and began to populate Hyrule; in the process adapting to different areas (e.g. people who settled in Mountains may have become Gorons?). ...Oooor something along those lines, heh.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Referring to the OP's 3rd (3a) observation, I assume this game might explain the origins of many things in Zelda series (from OoT forward).

There are many things people are observing that may suggest this. It may further imply that all human/Hyrulean inhabitants descended from Skyloftians, and began to populate Hyrule; in the process adapting to different areas (e.g. people who settled in Mountains may have become Gorons?). ...Oooor something along those lines, heh.

Skyloftians are Hylians/Hyruleans in a sense. Skyloft was once part of the land below.

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