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Using the Shield

Do you constantly use a shield?

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May 11, 2012
I know for me using my shield properly started in WW. But have the rest of you ever neglected the power of the shield?

Azure Sage

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I very rarely use mine. Normally, I just keep it around for looks. Even in Skyward Sword, I hardly ever have one equipped. You actually don't need a shield to beat the game; I've done it without one. That includes Demise, by the way.

For me, the use of the shield all comes down to how good you are. If you're a skilled enough player, you can manage just fine with side steps. In most cases, parts of a game you'd need a shield for don't actually require one. For example, you can get through the entire Forsaken Fortress the first time Link goes there without using/raising your shield once. I've done it lots of times.

I guess you could say I'm guilty of shield neglection on a daily basis.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I've always used my shield in EVERY Zelda game. I had to really work in SS because it really felt like shields finally stopped being an automatic part of fighting. I found myself losing hearts and I would facepalm myself saying "Shake the nunchuk you baka! The shield isn't automatic!"

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I very rarely use mine. Normally, I just keep it around for looks. Even in Skyward Sword, I hardly ever have one equipped. You actually don't need a shield to beat the game; I've done it without one. That includes Demise, by the way.

For me, the use of the shield all comes down to how good you are. If you're a skilled enough player, you can manage just fine with side steps. In most cases, parts of a game you'd need a shield for don't actually require one. For example, you can get through the entire Forsaken Fortress the first time Link goes there without using/raising your shield once. I've done it lots of times.

I guess you could say I'm guilty of shield neglection on a daily basis.

See, I think the opposite. I believe that it takes a certain level of skill to use your shield in a Zelda game – one that I have not quite reached yet. ^^

I'm always too slow when taking out my shield, so I rarely ever use it.

...Actually, on second thought, I use it pretty often in Ocarina of Time, but I've only started that habit recently because I was sick and tired of those stupid stupid Lizalfos always hitting me. And since it's automatic in LoZ, I use it too...

Ah well. I know I never use it in Skyward Sword. I always forget about it.


I started using it A LOT in OoT 3D- I noticed how I would pull it out instinctively. I REALLY started to notice in Dodongo's Cavern when fighting the Lizalfos. I didn't use it a lot in Skyward Sword, though...


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
I hardly ever use my shield. In SS, I actually try to avoid using it. I don't like seeing a shield meter (or whatever you call it) that isn't full. In SS, I only ever use my shield if ther's no other way to proceed in the game. In the other games where your shield can't take damage, I still never use it simply becuase it never occurs to me that I have one.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I used my sheild when it was necessar. For example reflecting Deku Sprout seeds, using sunlight with the mirror sheild, etc. However I didn't use it constantly. I rarely use the sheild.The only game i used the sheild in was in ALttP. No clue why. Maybe because the best sheild is disproportionately big compare to link's body, so i gues i felt more protected lol
Dec 29, 2011
i used it at random times when im fighting an enemy i sometimes use and sometimes dont in some zelda games i did use it alot like skyward some but in ocarina of time so much
Nov 28, 2011
I never shield in any video games. It's a sign of weakness to rely on defensive maneuvers. Plus, in Zelda games it is wholly unnecessary to ever use the shield. In fact, even when shield use is heavily suggested I still don't do it. I never once shielded in the Demise fight in Skyward Sword. I never once shielded in the entirety of Wind Waker (except for the Mirror Shield puzzles, of course). I honestly feel as though the shield is more or less a useless item that may as well never show up again. Obviously it will, but I'm just sayin'.

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