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General Classic Unlimited Wallet

Apr 1, 2013
What would you guys say to the idea of an unlimited wallet? Honestly, the whole need to keep upgrading your wallet has been a negative part of the franchise IMO. Why should we have a limit?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Unlimited rupees will be great :P I always get a full wallet so fast even with 9.999 rupees. So yeah to me it would be a hunt for rupees and see how much I actually can manage to gather


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I wouldn't want an unlimited wallet. I would probably want a bigger wallet, not as big as 9,999 but maybe like 1000? I mean, if they put rupees to more use in the game then I would definitely see the advantage of a bigger wallet but as rupees regenerate there would be even less point to rupees with an unlimited wallet... it wouldn't be a reward for a mini game or whatever if you got a big rupee but you already had like 17,000 rupees. I know that's never the reward you want, but still.


Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
Eh, an unlimited wallet seems a little extreme. I have trouble filling the Tycoon wallet +3 or 4 small wallet add-ons. I think a more reasonable substitute would just be to have a small wallet add-on option in every game.
Jul 1, 2013
No, I don't think the wallet should have a limitless capacity. While I agree that having to upgrade the size of your wallet in past games was annoying and unnecessary, increasing its size to hold an infinite number of rupees would do nothing to solve the larger underlying issue, that being the lack of an incentive to spend the rupees you collect. The reason our wallets filled up so quickly in past games wasn't that our wallets were too small, it was that we rarely bought anything and rupees were easy to come by. Even after we acquired the largest wallet, it still ended up becoming full and staying that way. You can increase its size as much as you want, eventually the wallet will be full if there is nothing worth buying and rupees continue to come in copious amounts.

This is kind of an old issue, though. Skyward Sword took a step toward achieving the ideal economy for a Zelda game, and A Link Between Worlds took a fantastic leap. I will genuinely be surprised if Zelda U or any other future Zelda games do anything but improve on this further.
Apr 1, 2013
No, I don't think the wallet should have a limitless capacity. While I agree that having to upgrade the size of your wallet in past games was annoying and unnecessary, increasing its size to hold an infinite number of rupees would do nothing to solve the larger underlying issue, that being the lack of an incentive to spend the rupees you collect. The reason our wallets filled up so quickly in past games wasn't that our wallets were too small, it was that we rarely bought anything and rupees were easy to come by. Even after we acquired the largest wallet, it still ended up becoming full and staying that way. You can increase its size as much as you want, eventually the wallet will be full if there is nothing worth buying and rupees continue to come in copious amounts.

Yeah that's what a lot of the people here seem to be saying. Honestly though, we shouldn't be putting a cap on the wallet size itself. Players should be allowed to gather as much money as they want. I found it really annoying that I couldn't get this one purple rupee in the Lakebed Temple that you had to clawshot your way too. Games like Mass Effect, AC, GTA, etc... have all put the 999999 limit and that's what Zelda should too.

To counterbalance the size, like you said new improvements would have to made, such as:

1) Either remove rupee gathering from the environment or limit it to the point where it's pointless to waste time gathering them.
2) Increase shop stock or expand upon the SS upgrading system.
3) Implement an investing factor into the economy.

A Link Between Worlds took a fantastic leap.

Out of curiosity, what did ALBW do?


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Out of curiosity, what did ALBW do?

The renting system gave rupees massive importance. The items were expensive and were necessary, so players had more incentive to gather rupees and give the need to purchase the items.

I personally don't want to see an infinite rupee count. Wallets provide incentives to complete minigames and explore the world (granted, other upgrades are offered such as heart pieces, quiver upgrades, bomb bag upgrades, etc., etc.). Minigames are a fun things to do beside the main storyline, but if they lack no reward other than a handful of rupees, many players won't want to play them.

I do think, however, that Zelda should abolish the old "If you don't have space, you don't get it" rule. It was tiresome in TP whenever I found an orange or purple rupee only to realize I don't have space to hold it. if my limit is 200 and I have 160, a purple rupee should just fill it up to 200.
Jul 1, 2013
To counterbalance the size, like you said new improvements would have to made, such as:

1) Either remove rupee gathering from the environment or limit it to the point where it's pointless to waste time gathering them.
2) Increase shop stock or expand upon the SS upgrading system.
3) Implement an investing factor into the economy.

I think all three of these things are good ideas, and I was actually thinking about them as I formed my own response; I left them out to keep my point straight-forward. Were such changes to be made, though, the size of your wallet wouldn't be any less irrelevant. I suppose they could make the wallet have infinite capacity, or maybe it could only hold 100 rupees. Ideally, they're being spent frequently enough to where you never have an abundance anyway. You'd need to be able to carry enough rupees to make purchases of the sizes demanded, of course (unless they introduce some form of credit), but how many rupees that would be is entirely dependent on the economy of that game. If things are expensive and rupees are relatively easy to obtain, the capacity of your wallet will be larger and vice versa. Ultimately, I think the wallet should have a finite size simply for the sake of realism.

Out of curiosity, what did ALBW do?

As Dr. Horrible said, the item renting/buying system mandated the use of rupees and made them a vital element of the game. Additionally, variety in the way rupees were obtained was introduced via the mini-dungeons. Rupees were still plentiful in ALBW, to be sure, but that's mostly because of how expensive the items were to buy. Even with the limit at 9999, I didn't reach that point until after doing the advanced level of the Treacherous Tower, at which point I was nearly finished with the game (100%).


The Anti-Social Kid
Jan 22, 2014
I hate seeinng that I have a large ammount of money and it just gives me the urge to go buy stuff.
With an unlimited wallet the game would just pain me even more.
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