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Unique Strategies Used To Defeat Bosses


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Are there any special techniques that you've used to take down a foe in the Legend of Zelda? This gaming series features a myriad of possible uses for the items to solve puzzles or vanquish a pesky enemy. But for this topic I'd like to cover styles that go against the normal patterns of defeating any Zelda Boss. All styles are welcome, so long as they've been proven to work, whether by you or someone you've seen (in real life, on Youtube, etc). This means that cheats and glitches which assist to beat or terminate in their own way can also be posted.

Note: This is not supposed to limit your options, but test your imagination in what's already been done; like a challenge of sorts. Have fun with it! :)

My pick is the Masked Mechanical Monster, Goht from Majora's Mask. (Conveniently, ZD happened to know about this, as you can see in the walkthrough link above, but I came up with this style on my own some time before joining up).

After melting his icy confinement, I move back into the alcove where I entered from. There are arrow pots on either side of it, and Magic Jars just right in front of me. I take out my bow and am set to go. All I do is stand in the back of the alcove and wait for Goht to make his rounds. I can tell that he's just about to stampede by because the entire area is shaking as he nears. Promptly I equip a Fire/Ice/Light Arrow to the bow and give it a second to trigger, timing it just right for the volley against Goht. Then I let it fly. The magical projectile hits and harms him. No, it doesn't kill him on the first try, but it's an easier way to skip past this beastie.

How about you?
Apr 3, 2012
On the fight with the dragon in Oot hang on the ledge while he is dropping rocks
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Dec 21, 2011
Wow, I've a few, but I can't remember all of them. All I can think of is when I was playing Four Swords (original) with my friend, and he had to leave, so I had to defeat the Deguchitato by myslef, which is VERY hard with two GBAs and only one person.
Dec 21, 2011
I think I may have used the Goht strategy, as well. I remember doing something different, I'm just not sure what exactly I did different.
Dec 22, 2011
I stood in the corner for the Morpha battle (which is out of her range), though I seem to recall that made it really hard to attack the loose eyeball. I used Biggoron Sword to fight Dark Link so he couldn't mirror me. Hm, what else.... In WW, when fighting Gohma, I try to swing onto a ledge the first chance I get; the battle is much easier not running away from slashing claws. I'm pretty straightforward for most battles, honestly.
Dec 19, 2011
Hmm, well the one that I can think of off the top of my head are ones like battling some boss, there are areas that they literally can not hit you, so you don't have to try and dodge that at all... for example shadow Ganon and the two headed dragon in PH...
Apr 7, 2012
Duck Land
does running around in circles count? lol
but no, I remember in wind waker going against Jalhalla and just whipping out with the ultimate spin attack.
Dec 21, 2011
Vernon Hills, Illinois
I found a way to beat Moldarach is less than a minute. Whle in the claws phase, back Moldarach into a corner. It backs up as you walk into it. Once you take out the claws and expose the eye, stab til the cows come home. Moldarach won't be able to back away and won't get a chance to dig. Who needs the Gust Bellows when you've got the corner!

The first time I beat Demise, I used a maxed out Guardian potion with a potion extending badge. It lasted the entire battle. I needed it because I couldn't figure out how to get around his electric sword.

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