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Uhhh I'm Confused.....



Ok what I dont get is that we known that a zelda game has been coming out since two years ago... It was just rumored but the Ocarina of Time remake is coming out before Skyward Sword?! Recently I went to Walmarts website and they said its comming out like Summer or something? Why cant Nintendo announce the release date...-.-


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Ok what I dont get is that we known that a zelda game has been coming out since two years ago... It was just rumored but the Ocarina of Time remake is coming out before Skyward Sword?! Recently I went to Walmarts website and they said its comming out like Summer or something? Why cant Nintendo announce the release date...-.-

We know that OoT3D is coming out before Skyward Sword. It is no longer a rumor, but a fact. The game is "supposedly" still in development. Personally, I don't mind the wait. It just means that the game will be even better. Also, I wouldn't trust sellers like Wal-Mart about release dates. They only know as much as we do. If you want real dates, stay tuned with Zelda Dungeon. We are really good at getting the news quick and published.

Also, welcome to the forums DaFunk. Hope you enjoy your stay here!


I am me....
Jan 25, 2010
It was announced that Skyward Sword would be after Ocarina of Time 3D. Since OoT3D is now a post E3 title that it is likely to be seen in summer. As for SS I would bet on closer to holidays, Novemberish.


Yes I know Skyward Sword is announced but, 2 years ago I remember Nintendo talking about a new Zelda game. Yes Nintendo is still working on it until its "Perfect", sorry for miss understanding..


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Don't feel bad daFunk ;) It can happen to all of us. Well we do know it will be released but the exact date is still a mystery. Unfortunately we can only wait till new information will be given.


Aug 29, 2010
Hiya bud, welcome to the ZD!!

Well, I know how you feel DaFunk, we have barely gotten any info on SS but we're getting every freakin detail on the 3DS!!! I don't hate the 3DS, but I feel that we should hear something at least. But don't worry, we'll for sure see or hear something soon, after or at E3 this year for sure.


lol good thread i think that wallmart sucks i can never find anithing there

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