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Uh... I guess it's a Sneak Peek?


Ain't no eaves in Bag-End, and that's a fact
Jun 29, 2024
Within range of your Stand
A Guy; that is to say, a Fella
Hi - the new guy (hello)

I haven't got a title for my lil' fanfiction yet, so I'm going to hold off on posting it in earnest for now. Regardless, here's a snippet from the beginning that I wrote months ago, forgot about, and then picked up last night (to great entertainment).
At your leisure and peril

Hyrule stood before him, much the same as it had so many times before. A distant mountain, wreathed in smoke; a forest, surrounded by fog. Far to the west he can barely spot the sharp and jagged edges of a canyon. A vast lake stretched before him, its spring winding up and away towards the distant palace.
Wind bristled through a light beard, twinging up the edges. The hair was once bright gold, but had darkened over the years; and now silver began to weave its way through the roots, here and there. His face was not yet wrinkled or haggard, but his eyes were tired in a way pure youth could not match. Deep blue, as they always have been; but now less like the clear sky, and more akin to an ocean.
Thirty-five years was much too long a time to have been their Hero, but their Hero he remained; and their Hero he would once again be, so long as the deep evils continued to fester. A simple blade rested upon his back, wrapped in leather - it remembered the taste of malice well enough, since the last time he’d thought to use it. Twelve years had passed since the last time it emerged in earnest, save for every so often when he polished the hilt and sharpened the edge.
Many times a Hero now, and many times too much. So long had passed since that last quest he’d had to endure, and longer still since the first. Perhaps by leaving he hoped to forget, but fate would not be so kind as to let him. Horrors would plague his dreams, and regrets would gnaw away at the waking hours - and once again, some ill twist of fortune brought him back to face them anew.
But this was his home, after all; and as long as he loved the smell of its trees and the taste of its rain, he would defend it. No pain or fear would ever be strong enough to defeat that one resolve.

There was a graveyard not far from the castle, but it was not here that she had been placed. The garden was where she felt love the most, and so the garden it would be that she would rest: beneath a great oak tree, sat alone atop a courtyard hill, just beyond the gate. From its roots one could see far across the kingdom, the breeze carrying from the north and the sun beaming overhead.
It had been by her wish that a grand funeral not be held. Her death had been a quiet one, and she wanted to keep it that way. No entourage stood beside the stone that a tired man now watched, the breeze bringing a chill now with the sun dipping away past the mountain.

Here lies Zelda, Queen of Hyrule.

It was only those words were inscribed, and it was only those words that Link read; in silence, over and again.

If you liked it... uh, that's cool, I guess. If you didn't, then that's fine too.

Regarding the title, while I haven't got The Big One yet, I do have a potential subtitle. Because ALttP is (in my opinion) the Best Zelda Game, and the Hero of Legend (objectively and indisputably) the Best Link, I've considered subtitling it simply "The Continued Tales of the Hero of Legend." Bear that in mind, I suppose, if it behooves you.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
That was awesome! Can't wait to read the full thing, really looking forward to that. Great job so far!

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