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Spoiler Twilight Princess Questions As Well As General Questions

Sep 22, 2010
in Twilight Princess it says that the dominion rod fell from the heavens so
A) Are the skyloftians the Oocca or do you think that they are a different race all together even though most of the skyloftians seen so far are human in appearance.
:cool: When the Guardians of Termina say they are protective "gods" does that mean that Termina and Hyrule are not just mirror images of each other seeing as the people in hyrule observe the three goddess myth(creation story)
C) how was termina formed?
D) How many distinct realms are there?
Sacred Realm
Twilight Realm
Siren World
E) When Zant mentions the "royal family" does that imply when he was in hyrule he was a sheikah and served the family?
F) When Zant cracks his neck at the end of the game does that mean that Ganon's powers are released back in to the Twilight Realm or does his soul/life force go on to the hyrulean afterlife?
G) Should there be a crossover between the times of hyrule meaning being able to go forward and travel the timeline in a single game?


Ray of Silver
May 16, 2011
in Twilight Princess it says that the dominion rod fell from the heavens so
A) Are the skyloftians the Oocca or do you think that they are a different race all together even though most of the skyloftians seen so far are human in appearance.
It's impossible to know right now.

:cool: When the Guardians of Termina say they are protective "gods" does that mean that Termina and Hyrule are not just mirror images of each other seeing as the people in hyrule observe the three goddess myth(creation story)
Termina is a parallel world, but that doesn't mean that everything in Hyrule must have a counterpart in Termina.

C) how was termina formed?
In the lack of anything more official, I'm going with zelda.com's explanation: the magic of the Golden Goddesses slipped through the cracks of the universe while they were creating Hyrule, resulting in the creation of Termina in a parallel universe.

D) How many distinct realms are there?
Sacred Realm
Twilight Realm
Siren World
Holodrum and Labrynna are physically in the same world as Hyrule (as in, people travel from one place to the other all the time) and are probably just neighbouring countries. What we really have is:

Light World
Realm of the Dead (mentioned in AoL manual)
Sacred Realm
Koholint Island
Dark World (FSA)
Minish World (where the Minish originally came from)
Twilight Realm
World of the Ocean King
Dark Realm (ST)
Siren World

Whether or not some realms are one and the same (like FSA's Dark World and the Sacred Realm) or are "different" realms at all (like Koholint Island and the World of the Ocean King) is too ambiguous to say for sure.

E) When Zant mentions the "royal family" does that imply when he was in hyrule he was a sheikah and served the family?
He was talking about the Royal Family of the Twilight Realm.

F) When Zant cracks his neck at the end of the game does that mean that Ganon's powers are released back in to the Twilight Realm or does his soul/life force go on to the hyrulean afterlife?
I believe it means that Zant and Ganondorf are both dead.

G) Should there be a crossover between the times of hyrule meaning being able to go forward and travel the timeline in a single game?
No because the developers don't seem to like the idea of laying out a confirmed timeline outside of the individual games. For example, if they have a game featuring time travel between OoT's child ending and TP, that would probably restrict their ideas for making more games that take place in between the two times.

OoA, however, did have time travel spanning 400 years, but this had nothing to do with the actual timeline outside of the Oracle games themselves.

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