I'd say this fits on the "Its only mature if you actually try to make it mature" thing. I play through the whole MM when I was a kid without even noticing Its "dark and tense" parts like OoT. Sure, the moon will fall and kill everybody, but isn't that the case for lots of other games final bosses? They wanna rule the world, or destroy it, etc.Comprehension issues aside, an intended dark tone has worked before extremely well as in Majora's Mask, which received almost universal plans from fans for shaking up the formula. This was in no less fashion from more proactive villains such as the possessed Skull Kid to the malicious looking moon hanging over Termina and shortly bound to determine the land's fate. Zelda can be mature and do it very well.
Well, I didn't put much thought into it. OoT and MM could easily have WW graphics, not really the case for TP though, SS graphics would be better but It doesn't fit the game as much as Its art style. Well, thats pretty much the thing that makes me not really see it as a good Zelda game.Twilight Princess was crafted for its specific art style. I truly can not picture Zant, Midna, or Wolf Link in the Wind Waker's cartoonish graphics. Twilight Princess told a story of despair and the style was very intentional in that respect.
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