First off, allow me to apologize for my hosting this game. I missed deadlines, slacked off on questions and night actions, didn't do many vote counts. Also got lazy with the flavour, which is very rare for me as a host. I'd be lying if I said the inactivity in this game was a bit demotivating for me, but also being rather busy IRL caused me to sort of forget this was running half the time. I mistakenly set the deadlines for when I was at work and did most of the hosting from my phone, meaning I didn't have my regular notepad with notes about night actions and such. This led to only one mistake, which I fixed, but is still a problem for a game host.
Which brings me to my next point. I feel like this game's mechanics were discouraging for many people and, paired with the lack of reveals, caused it to be quite inactive as a whole. My last trivia game, with the questions being in real time and alignments being revealed every death, was far more active. Granted, I also had far more people playing that time around.
I don't think I'll do another trivia themed game. I haven't found the best way to handle that mechanic and while it was more fair for people this time in terms of having opportunities to answer questions, the rules also weren't very clear on how the questions were to be handled from a player's perspective. I made a lot of mistakes this time that I regret.
That's not to say the game wasn't good, though. There were some great discussions happening and Ragnarokio genuinely played well considering her scumbud was almost entirely awol for most of the game.
I'll post setup notes and such later too. I tried to balance this game as much as I could, but with the distribution of actions being based on some rather obscure knowledge, that is really hard to do. I also think no reveal games are generally scum sided more than town sided just in principle, and I made the scum team rather powerful, but with Rocinante being inactive that didn't matter too much. I also had a lot of people forgetting to answer questions or submit actions, which is not really surprising considering the obscure nature of some of the questions along with the general inactivity of the game.