That's a good point. However, We find out in TP that Ganon is brought to trial and sent into the twilight realm on the child side of OoT. That means that when Link returns to Hyrule, Ganon is in the twilight realm. In that case Ganon was not dead, so the Oracles games cannot go here. I think that the inclusion of Twinrova in MM really does have to do with the fact that it was developed right after MM, but I think that the timeline still has to have the oracles games after ALttP to make sense. Also, We can be pretty sure that the Link in LA is the one from ALttP, and I have heard that the oracles games end with link sailing away on a boat much like the one in LA. (I have the oracles games, but haven't gotten to play throught them yet, so though I've heard how they end, I've not seen it yet. The boat might be in one of the individual endings rather than the joint ending)
I don't recall the TP story stating that Ganondorf's trial took place during the child timeline. That sounds more like speculation than an actual stating of what the game itself said. Its good though, whether its your idea of what happend or what actually was said to have happend, it makes perfect sense, since Ganondorf did turn his back on the King of Hyrule even before he entered the Sacred Realm in OoT, we know he would still be punished for his actions. If anything, TP didn't answer anything for me as far as a timeline goes. Its hard to place TP anywhere in a timeline in my book, other than the fact that it seems to take place before Hyrule was flooded, and apparently after OoT since everyone has their pieces of the Triforce.
I doubt that Nintendo will ever give us a timeline.They just can't seem to care.
Why would they not care about the people who is putting money in their bank accounts? That dosen't make sense, that they just don't care enough to state a timeline. There are only two options, either Nintendo has no yet came up with an official timeline, or they have and are building onto different parts of it which we can't seem to figure out, because we don't know what they know.
In a lot of ways, its better for them not to tell us what the timeline is. For one this part of the forum would be pretty much done with, no one would have their own views and oppinions and be pretty bored all the time, and the series wouldn't be half as fun because we would have no reason to pick out certain things that might just make one game come after the other.