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Fire Emblem Thoughts on Support Conversations?

Threads relating to the Fire Emblem series.
Aug 31, 2019
Do you enjoy this aspect of the Fire Emblem series?

Any memorable supports you enjoyed? or seeing 2 characters interact that you found entertaining?

Any characters you wished had interacted?

What are your general thoughts & feelings regarding them?
I really like the support conversations when they're well done, like the convos in Path of Radiance. I think they can offer good insight into the characters that the story doesn't give time to convey. In particular, Path of Radiance's supports tend to focus on more serious topics that allow both characters to develop naturally rather than relying on a gimmick or joke like Awakening's supports leaned towards doing.


Jun 19, 2010
I always enjoy them and missed them in RD. Three Houses in particular had some of the best supports in the series, imo, and it needed them given how character-focused it was. It was an especially nice change after the low quality of Fates' supports.
Feb 3, 2019
I don't think all of fates had low quality supports, but I definitely was longing for the days of Path of Radiance, which I feel like has the best supports in the game

hapi/yuri from three houses is one of my favorite supports
I think rhys/ulki from path of radiance is really good, and one not too many people talk about
there are way too many for me to list where I was annoyed that people didn't interact


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
To me, supports are the best part of the series. The characters, to me, are the core of what Fire Emblem is, and supports are the best way to explore those characters.
I do take issue with a lot of supports though. When a character is flanderized to one or two traits, the supports become more annoying to read than enjoyable.
I also don't like how so many support lines are inherently romantic. Some can be, sure, but the whole Genealogy/Awakening/Fates philosophy of anyone can marry anyone of the opposite gender feels weird to me. Having more supports between people of differing genders that are more aromantic, like we saw more of in Three Houses, can lead to good things.
I'm not against romance. I just prefer that the characters are considered when giving possible pairings.
I've never been overly bothered about support conversations because I usually get a lot of my units killed on account of sucking. Most relationships that blossom on the battlefield are accidental on my part and unplanned also due to me sucking.

There have been some enjoyable ones though. But there have been cringe and just utterly terrible ones too, mostly in Fates.

I remember Kagero and I think Seizo having a support convo that went


*support level raised*



I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I've never been overly bothered about support conversations because I usually get a lot of my units killed on account of sucking. Most relationships that blossom on the battlefield are accidental on my part and unplanned also due to me sucking.

There have been some enjoyable ones though. But there have been cringe and just utterly terrible ones too, mostly in Fates.

I remember Kagero and I think Seizo having a support convo that went


*support level raised*

That support had actual content in Japanese. They just took it out for the sake of comedy in english


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I enjoy them as well, builds bonds between characters and it opens the game up for extra replay value to unlock the various cutscenes. I wish we had more of than in games today.

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