Braava Braava
The ignore function is on my mind right now
The chainsaw function is on mine
listens to voice offstage
voice offstage
The ignore function is on my mind right now
Why, when Starkiller base fires the laser, that it has no effect on the surrounding area complete with plantlife and people.
Its a giant laser of galaxy crippling/planet killing death, how when it fires does it not toast a good portion of the surrounding area that it fires from?
I know, science fiction, but i let a lot of other things slide... like space wizards.
It knocked down a bunch of trees. But really, there are loads of problems revolving around the physics of that one that just cannot be explained no matter how hard to ignore aspects of the universe and how it works.Why, when Starkiller base fires the laser, that it has no effect on the surrounding area complete with plantlife and people.
Its a giant laser of galaxy crippling/planet killing death, how when it fires does it not toast a good portion of the surrounding area that it fires from?
I know, science fiction, but i let a lot of other things slide... like space wizards.
the sun regenerates...It knocked down a bunch of trees. But really, there are loads of problems revolving around the physics of that one that just cannot be explained no matter how hard to ignore aspects of the universe and how it works.
Like being able to see the planets in another system being blown up as if they were in orbit around Maz's place, the laser traveling way WAY above light speed to reach the other side of a galaxy, why are the planets being blown up look like they are all orbiting each other, what do you do with your supergun planet after the sun is used up, it's really something you have to try really hard not to think about.
Ok but while I get that you shouldn't go out of your way to upset someone, SOMETIMES people need telling when they're being ****ing **** human beings. And if they get upset by that and they're a grown ass adult, SO WHAT? If the nicey nicey method doesn't work don't just give up and let someone walk around ****ing everything they touch up. ****ing go to plan b. Maybe the message will actually go through?? God knows nobody gives a flying **** about my feelings when they wanna tell me about myself but how come everyone else in the world gets special treatment? If an honest, well mannered criticism sends them off the deep end then what they need to do is grow up, toughen up and get the hell over themselves. /rant