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Breath of the Wild Theoretical Temple Locations

Nov 6, 2017
Hoot! I was a bit disappointed that the game only received four major dungeons instead of traditional temples (The Divine Beasts were still cool though). So, I had a thought the other day while rewatching all of the trailers and took a good look at the overworld map, if the devs decided to put traditional dungeons in the game instead of the beasts where would they be placed. My areas of interest would be: Zonai Ruins, in a cave behind the Statue of the Eighth Heroine, and the Akkala Citadel itself. Every time I look upon them I can't help but wonder what these could have been. Anyways, enough of me rambling, I would like to hear your ideas and locations.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
BotW is rife with expansion potential. There's all sorts of places ninty could plug in new content. Which is why it annoys me that their DLC consists of a few more shrines here and there and functional appearance items.

Inb4 the customary CD Projekt comparison, Nintendo could do what CDP did with Blood and Wine but plug all that additional content into Breath of the Wild's existing landmass. It's nuts. But obviously ninty is challenged enough just putting out as much content as BotW has on release. An expansion amounting to roughly half the content of the base game is obviously well beyond their means.
Beneath Hyrule Castle would be a good one, what was with that spooky red place during the C. Ganon fight? Was it a Sheikah lab?

I was disappointed that DLC2's new dungeon wasnt set there.
Nov 6, 2017
Another good spot would have been behind the waterfall in the Lanayru Promenade area. I was actually looking for it when I was first playing the game.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Ideally, there would be a bunch of mini ones everywhere (Not shrines, but caves and stuff like in Skyrim), with ranging difficulties and sizes.
Dec 11, 2011
Death Mountain
Zora's Domain
Lake Hylia,
Gerudo Desert.
I could see something maybe under the Great Plateau since there are structures built up on it.
Faron Woods
Akkala Citadel
The Forgotten Temple
Thyphlo Ruins


Soy un Perdedor
Dec 29, 2017
Inb4 the customary CD Projekt comparison, Nintendo could do what CDP did with Blood and Wine but plug all that additional content into Breath of the Wild's existing landmass. It's nuts. But obviously ninty is challenged enough just putting out as much content as BotW has on release. An expansion amounting to roughly half the content of the base game is obviously well beyond their means.
Agreed. I would be overjoyed if, instead of producing a whole new game with new locations and maps they just used the Beautiful world of BOTW, maybe with some new villages and stuff.(TEMPLES!!) And they just wrote a whole new and LONGER story to play through. And MORE side quests! (I think doing the Side quests was my favorite thing to do.)
I think that would be so awesome if they would actually do something like that (but of course they won't.). It would save them all so much time that they would be able to focus on the good stuff.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
With all the ruins they included in the game as throwbacks to the previous games in the series, there was tons of potential to give us familiar dungeons in a ruined state. Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple as ruins with full dungeon puzzles and everything? Yes pls! Hell, they could have made a whole game's worth of dungeons using older dungeon ideas and just presenting them as ruins. It would completely change the dungeons whilst still keeping them familiar and nostalgic, and they would play like the traditional dungeons that we all love. I was actually hoping they would do something like that when they first showed off the Temple of Time ruins. Missed opportunity imo that could have resulted in some truly great dungeons.

EDIT: As an additional thought, I thought what A Link Between Worlds did could have been used as inspiration for Breath of the Wild's dungeons. They gave us some dungeons that were in A Link to the Past but completely changed them. Breath of the Wild could've easily done something like that and fans would have gone crazy with nostalgia.

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