The Altruist
I still believe that the Wii U still has a shot in being a commercial success. Though it may not be as powerful as the Xbox One or the PS4, but I'm pretty sure it is at least better than the Xbox One in terms of functionality. I mean come on, you have to pay for $500 to only use half of the console (because in all seriousness who is going to use the Kinect 2.0 all the time), and still pay the premium gold membership to unlock the other 95% of the console that it should have been able to have coming out of the box. I'm serious, my friend Jerry is a hardcore Xbox fan and though he has an Xbox 360, he will not buy a Xbox One because of the huge paygate that one must go through before unlocking everything that the console had in store. It makes no sense to buy an Xbox One and still have to pay a premium just to use the NFL, Crunchyroll, or video chat applications.
That in mind, I still believe the Wii U still has a shot because now even though it took Nintendo a year to start producing the 1st part titles, the Wii U has software that will provide sales. Hell, I'm still surprised by the amount of positive reviews for SM3DWorld as I assumed that they will be a lot of backlash for Mario and I was going to be one of the those few who still thought that the game as very well made. As Reggie as states, it ultimately comes down to the software that will be the deciding factor of the so-called "Console Wars". Honestly, I only see Nintendo and Sony surviving it all.
That in mind, I still believe the Wii U still has a shot because now even though it took Nintendo a year to start producing the 1st part titles, the Wii U has software that will provide sales. Hell, I'm still surprised by the amount of positive reviews for SM3DWorld as I assumed that they will be a lot of backlash for Mario and I was going to be one of the those few who still thought that the game as very well made. As Reggie as states, it ultimately comes down to the software that will be the deciding factor of the so-called "Console Wars". Honestly, I only see Nintendo and Sony surviving it all.