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The Wii U Has It Failed?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I still believe that the Wii U still has a shot in being a commercial success. Though it may not be as powerful as the Xbox One or the PS4, but I'm pretty sure it is at least better than the Xbox One in terms of functionality. I mean come on, you have to pay for $500 to only use half of the console (because in all seriousness who is going to use the Kinect 2.0 all the time), and still pay the premium gold membership to unlock the other 95% of the console that it should have been able to have coming out of the box. I'm serious, my friend Jerry is a hardcore Xbox fan and though he has an Xbox 360, he will not buy a Xbox One because of the huge paygate that one must go through before unlocking everything that the console had in store. It makes no sense to buy an Xbox One and still have to pay a premium just to use the NFL, Crunchyroll, or video chat applications.

That in mind, I still believe the Wii U still has a shot because now even though it took Nintendo a year to start producing the 1st part titles, the Wii U has software that will provide sales. Hell, I'm still surprised by the amount of positive reviews for SM3DWorld as I assumed that they will be a lot of backlash for Mario and I was going to be one of the those few who still thought that the game as very well made. As Reggie as states, it ultimately comes down to the software that will be the deciding factor of the so-called "Console Wars". Honestly, I only see Nintendo and Sony surviving it all.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Fig said:
As Reggie as states, it ultimately comes down to the software that will be the deciding factor of the so-called "Console Wars". Honestly, I only see Nintendo and Sony surviving it all.

Funny you post this statement by Reggie and mention Microsoft not getting its act together. As much as I love to play some Halo Slayer from time to time, Microsoft does not know how to handle exclusives well. At E3, they were boasting about how many exclusives the Xbox One would have at launch. How many of those are actually worth buying though? I'd argue that Forza 5 is the only one worth a look. The others are unpolished tech demos.

I've heard a lot of people clamoring not to compare the Wii U's software with what the Xbox One and PS4 have out now because Nintendo's system had a year head start. But that was Nintendo's plan all along wasn't it? Many complained about the Wii U being a glorified seventh generation console, yet its longer availability and time to build up a library will help a lot in the coming year. There are already about 10 Wii U games that I'd recommend to someone buying the system; that number will likely double or triple in the coming year. It's a repeat of last generation when Microsoft wisely used its head start to cement its console as the place for gamers to go. While 2007 had some worthwhile games for the Wii and PS3 such as Super Mario Galaxy and Uncharted Drake's Fortune, respectively, they hardly compared to the large amount of (then for the latter two) 360 exclusives including Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.

It's hard to underestimate the importance of good publicity. It was the lack thereof that puts the Wii U in its current dire situation. As long as Nintendo can continue acquiring ports of AAA franchises like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed while putting out fun first party content that utilizes the Game Pad impressively, the Wii U can still rebound. It's been doing a solid job at the first task, but the release rate of Nintendo's own titles can be improved. There were hardly any worthwhile Wii U experiences released during the first half of the year. Luckily, the system's 2014 line-up looks to fix the pacing issue. If Nintendo can continue to distribute its software across regular intervals avoiding droughts like those that plagued the Wii from mid 200 8-late 2009 and throughout the majority of 2011 and 2012, the Wii U should be able to sell at least half of what its predecessor managed this generation.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
I think it's going to depend on who you ask. To Nintendo, yes, I think it will ultimately hurt their pocket book. Not too much, because they have their gold-mine handheld business, but in the end I can see them still losing money. I don't claim to be an analyst of any sort, but I can't really see the Wii U selling more than 30 million. The casuals aren't really interested in console gaming like they were in 2006, and in 2 or 3 years I think the PS4 and Xbox One will completely blow the Wii U out of the water in terms of performance. And even though Nintendo made a profit on each GameCube sold, they are actually losing money on every Wii U.

How can you consider it NOT a failure, then? Well I don't think it's going to be discontinued. People will come for Nintendo's games, and although I don't think it'll be pretty, Nintendo was consistently sell Wii Us throughout the console's life. And it'll have great games! Who doesn't think more fondly of the GameCube's library than of the Wii's? As a gamer, I wouldn't consider the GameCube a failure (even though Nintendo might), and I think it'll be the same with Wii U.

I could be wrong, though. Nintendo could pull a huge turnaround like they did with 3DS. And I'm totally hoping for that. But if Nintendo were to stick with the Wii U until, say, 2017, and then release a much more powerful console with an Oculus Rift type device half way through the PS4's and XO's lifecycle, I wouldn't be complaining. :D


Jan 28, 2013
When I look at a successful system, I look at Wii and Gamecube. Wii sold about 4 times more than the Cube and crushed the competition... But the games were horrid on it and there were only a few I would say were classics. Now let's take the Cube. It didn't sell all that much (like 25 million or so) but the games were stellar. You had instant classics like Windwaker, Super Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil ⁴, Luigi's Mansion, Pokemon XD and Colosseum, Pikmin 1 and 2, and more. If I had to pick for Wii, I'd only say Skyward Sword, Galaxy 1 and 2 and DKC Returns were the only classics. I mean here's the deal when a system is under fire and losing they produce the best games. Its a fact. And also, what is your opinion on success? Sure Wii succeeded as a financial goldmine, but in my eyes its the worst system Nintendo ever produced while the Cube is the best arguably. The games are what make a system a success to me.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
If I had to pick for Wii, I'd only say Skyward Sword, Galaxy 1 and 2 and DKC Returns were the only classics.

Allow me to squeeze Xenoblade in there, near the front. ;)

The Wii U has not failed; the blockbuster games are just taking longer to be developed and/or released. But next year is giving rise to a number of masterpieces, especially the big names such as Super Smash Bros 4 and Monolith's "Project X". Meanwhile, the more information we're fed, the hungrier the fans will become for their favorite franchises, which will impel them to pick up a Wii U.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
When I look at a successful system, I look at Wii and Gamecube. Wii sold about 4 times more than the Cube and crushed the competition... But the games were horrid on it and there were only a few I would say were classics. Now let's take the Cube. It didn't sell all that much (like 25 million or so) but the games were stellar. You had instant classics like Windwaker, Super Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil ⁴, Luigi's Mansion, Pokemon XD and Colosseum, Pikmin 1 and 2, and more. If I had to pick for Wii, I'd only say Skyward Sword, Galaxy 1 and 2 and DKC Returns were the only classics. I mean here's the deal when a system is under fire and losing they produce the best games. Its a fact. And also, what is your opinion on success? Sure Wii succeeded as a financial goldmine, but in my eyes its the worst system Nintendo ever produced while the Cube is the best arguably. The games are what make a system a success to me.

Many of the games you listed for the GameCube were quite average -- Sunshine, RE4, Luigi's Mansion, and both Pokemon games. They weren't bad games, but they certainly weren't "classics" due to repetitive gameplay and lackluster level design.

You also missed a crapton of great Wii games. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Xenoblade Chronicles, Monster Hunter Tri, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Paper Mario, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, Red Steel 2, MadWorld, Metroid: Other M, Sonic Colors, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and The Last Story. And those are just the GREAT ones. I didn't include all the "merely" good ones.

Now, not all of these were 10/10 beast-tier games, such as Epic Yarn and Other M, but neither were all of the GameCube games you mentioned, such as The Wind Waker and Prime 2. Even so, Brawl, Xenoblade, and MH3 were easily worthy of being called "classics", and the sheer amount of quality titles on the Wii absolutely dwarfs the amount on the GameCube. The Wii is the worst Nintendo console? Nooooooooo, no no no. The Cube is.


Jan 28, 2013
Many of the games you listed for the GameCube were quite average -- Sunshine, RE4, Luigi's Mansion, and both Pokemon games. They weren't bad games, but they certainly weren't "classics" due to repetitive gameplay and lackluster level design.

You also missed a crapton of great Wii games. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Xenoblade Chronicles, Monster Hunter Tri, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Paper Mario, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, Red Steel 2, MadWorld, Metroid: Other M, Sonic Colors, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and The Last Story. And those are just the GREAT ones. I didn't include all the "merely" good ones.

Now, not all of these were 10/10 beast-tier games, such as Epic Yarn and Other M, but neither were all of the GameCube games you mentioned, such as The Wind Waker and Prime 2. Even so, Brawl, Xenoblade, and MH3 were easily worthy of being called "classics", and the sheer amount of quality titles on the Wii absolutely dwarfs the amount on the GameCube. The Wii is the worst Nintendo console? Nooooooooo, no no no. The Cube is.
Wrong. Windwaker is a 10 caliber game. It was a hang of a lot better than SS and TP. Brawl? Yeah right... 95% of the gaming community prefer Melee easily above it. Both Metroid Primes on GCN were better than Prime 3 (but I will say I loved Prime 3). Something so funny to me is almost all the games you named's GCN counterparts were better. Path of Radiance trumped Radiant Dawn, The Thousand Year Door was better than Super Paper Mario, and Sunshine was light years better than Galaxy. Other M was an embarrassing mess... And Red Steel 2? Come on. Animal Crossing was better than City Folk, both Pokemon games were better than Battle Revolution, Pikmin 1 and 2 were better than 3 (but thats another story). The reason to me Wii is such a horrible system is cause it gave Nintendo the split of having only a casual audience. I'm sure Xenoblade and The Last Story were good... But titles like Wii Sports and Wii Fit had hurt the systems name so badly that most gamers never played it. Even Nintendo knows this. Why do you think they said their goal with Wii U is to get the core fan base back? Do the math.


Jan 28, 2013
Oooooookay, it's pretty clear I'm dealing with a nostalgia-blinded fanboy, here, so I'm not even gonna bother continuing.
I could care a less if you do or not, you dont fool anyone. The only reason you dont reply is cause everything I said is true, and review sites will back it up as well as half the gaming community. You won't reply cause you can't come up with a comeback.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I could care a less if you do or not, you dont fool anyone. The only reason you dont reply is cause everything I said is true, and review sites will back it up as well as half the gaming community. You won't reply cause you can't come up with a comeback.

No, it's because I've dealt with your kind a thousand times over, and I'm not gonna go through it again. I guarantee you if the Cube's games were the Wii's, they wouldn't be nearly as loved. There are so many people that grew up with that console, and games seem a LOT more impressive when you're younger, and nostalgia is one hell of a mental drug. I could go into extreme detail about why the GameCube was a weak console for Nintendo's standards, but it'd take way too much time to type out. When I'm able to make videos, though, I definitely plan on making comparison videos like Sunshine to Galaxy, as well as reviews of overrated games, such as RE4 and both GCN Zeldas. It's not like my videos will be hate-fueled towards Ninty's 6th gen console, as I'll be doing a variety of different games across multiple generations, but I just figured I'd let you know, since it's somewhat relevant to what I've had to say.


Jan 28, 2013
No, it's because I've dealt with your kind a thousand times over, and I'm not gonna go through it again. I guarantee you if the Cube's games were the Wii's, they wouldn't be nearly as loved. There are so many people that grew up with that console, and games seem a LOT more impressive when you're younger, and nostalgia is one hell of a mental drug. I could go into extreme detail about why the GameCube was a weak console for Nintendo's standards, but it'd take way too much time to type out. When I'm able to make videos, though, I definitely plan on making comparison videos like Sunshine to Galaxy, as well as reviews of overrated games, such as RE4 and both GCN Zeldas. It's not like my videos will be hate-fueled towards Ninty's 6th gen console, as I'll be doing a variety of different games across multiple generations, but I just figured I'd let you know, since it's somewhat relevant to what I've had to say.
What about Gopher from Winnie the Pooh?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Peeps just play it nice. Don't attack each other about opinions. Just respect each other's opinions. There is no need to start heated discussions because your opinion differs from the other. Thanks

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