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The White Gulls Call

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023

By Daku Rinku
Dreams can be divined or dismissed. For many they are of little importance, a part of life that allows us to explore our deepest desires, frustrations, and fears. The Dream World is considered inferior to the Waking One, a shadow caste by the mind and heart in the night…
Koholint Island had been so real.. a realm where Link had fought his way to waking The Wind Fish. All the way his enemies made entreaties, begging that he not accomplish his quest. When The Hero hatched the Great Egg, and the Whale god came forth, the world he had fought for dissolved like a dream upon waking.. everyone, the foes and friends passed away as the wind of the fins of the Wind Fish flapped and the island disappeared into the realm of forgetting.

When Link awoke on a mast of his broken ship, he saw great gulls flying above, one like an albatross approached and he heard the song:

The voice of Marin called to this Mariner who bow mourned that his dear friend was no more. He bear the wood with his fist, and tears fell, concealed by the surf of the sea.

Link cradled the wood as his chest ached, they had been right, those many monsters he beat with his might, Marin and all those of Koholint Island were gone like mirage..

As the Hero laid there sobbing, A Seagull landed on the end of the post at his head, it made its Call in which he heard the Song.. raising his head up he saw Marin’s face, her hair red ans orange like the sun at its setting, a flower of deepest pink in her hair, budding, and dress as blue as the sky. She smiled at him and he reached out with his hand, her image passing away like the clouds and the Gull in its place which made its chirp and took off. Link fell into water aa he cried out,

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