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Spoiler The Under Loved Zelda Games


The Hero Of Ordon
Jun 25, 2012
On My Couch Playing Smash
Man I see sooooooo much tp hate on youtube! I still see a lot of love but who agrees that oot is only considered the best because its a classic,amazing,the first 3d zelda game,and that means all the others are based on it because its the first so every game is similar to it but gets ssome more attention then deserved.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
link's awakening had a great plot,gameplay,and world,it should definitely get a little more attention
i don't get why minish cap is under appreciated,i enjoyed it better than past and ocarina
zelda 2 is a definite candidate for being WAY to unnecessarily hated on,just because its hard? -.- [sigh],the zelda community....i swear
but above all,id maybe have to say the oracles are the most underrated zelda games

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