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Spoiler The Under Loved Zelda Games

Sep 4, 2011
Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are under-loved. People hardly talk about them at all. I've played them both, twice, doing a two-way sequence for the linked story. They are very cute little games with a lot of charm and nostalgia for one who grew up playing the first LoZ. Also, a fat bear with wings! And Ralph!

I know, I haven't finished OoA or played OoS but they are underrated. No one has ever said anything about LA. :hmm:


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Most people seem to have forgotten about Four swords, I don't really blame them, it was almost the opposite of what I expect in a Zelda game.


You stink. I don't give any thought at all that you tried to have fun with those games and you probably never played them. You are just mad that Link and all the characters are cartoon like. Which I like, but it doesn't compare to Wii U or Twilight Princess graphics to me.

I have played them both, in full, for a review for some friends' school project. I LOVE Wind Waker, so I don't care about the art design. And... okay. I just don't like them at all. They just weren't fun at all.


Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
Adventure of Link is really underrated. Despite its really high difficulty even early in the game, I really like it. In fact, I like it more than the original.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
?? I rarerly hear anyone criticize TP many call it ther best game ever, i rarerly hear someone not like it, SS is underrated also and so was PH and ST ive also barely hear complaing about ALttP being shuned when OoT came out, the only part i agree with was AoL, it truly is underrated, people play it and once cant find the hammer quit immeditly.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Skyward Sword and Adventure of Link are perhaps the most under-loved Zelda titles thus far. Both very innovative yet the fans continue to shun them. Why?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Skyward Sword and Adventure of Link are perhaps the most under-loved Zelda titles thus far. Both very innovative yet the fans continue to shun them. Why?

Since when did you stop hating on SS?

Anyway, I'd say Zelda II is under-loved, but it's generally only the more recent fans that hate it. It's quite pitiful, really. It's a really good game despite all of its flaws. I quite enjoy it. I may think it's Zelda's weakest title, but, hey, that ain't sayin' much, now, is it?

ST is also greatly under-loved. My word, what a fantastic game that is. The train, tne dungeons, the bosses, the Tower of Spirits... there's a whole lot to love there, yet people seem to hate it. It's just not right. ST is by no means a paramount of the series, but it was a fine and worthy addition for sure.

I guess all I can say about all this, though, is... Haters. Gonna. Hate.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Zelda II: Adventure of Link aside, an underrated Zelda game is Twilight Princess by far. I seriously don't understand all the hate it garners. The narrative was strong, Link's companion was useful for once, and although not executed perfectly, the wolf transformation twist was certainly intriguing. Most seem irked that the game was altered so drastically from the original beta. While it is sad to know magic was removed at the last second and the epic Bokoblin battle present in the E3 2004 trailer is not included in the final game, Twilight Princess nevertheless stands as a paragon of what a title in the Action-Adventure genre should be.

JuicieJ said:
ST is also greatly under-loved. My word, what a fantastic game that is. The train, tne dungeons, the bosses, the Tower of Spirits... there's a whole lot to love there, yet people seem to hate it. It's just not right. ST is by no means a paramount of the series, but it was a fine and worthy addition for sure.

Agreed. Spirit Tracks is underrated for sure. While the train travelling mechanic may make the overworld more linear, there are still plenty of goodies to be found in the forms of bunnies, forge gems, stamps, etc. Also, the last two dungeons and Dark World sequence in the game are just epic. Spirit Tracks is to Phantom Hourglass what Oracle of Ages is to Oracle of Seasons, a more puzzle centered installment and it's all the better for that. The only true regret I have with the game is Nintendo's missed opportunity to include online play.


Down for maintenance.
Apr 26, 2012
I agree with ALIT, TP is the one I like most, after Majora's Mask. It was mature enough for me to love.

I guess Four Swords Adventures are underrated? It's got an interesting gameplay.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
It deeply saddens me how little I see talk about the Minish Cap on this site. TMC is one of my favorite Zelda games, yet people never seems to appreciate it that much. Also, TP is vastly underrated for reasons I don't understand
Jan 18, 2012
I loved MC! It was one of the first to really get the more interesting story down in my opinion. I mean, I'll always love Zelda, but one element of it that used to bother me was that you had to save Zelda even though you had just met her. It just seemed dumb that Link was willing to risk his life trying to save a princess he just met. In the Minish Cap you understood the reason Link wanted to save Zelda because they were childhood friends. (Sound familiar anyone?) Not to underrate the dungeon design. The levels weren't too hard, but they were creative. And the bosses were really cool! Like the Chu Chu that you fight in mini form was a really cool idea that kind of went with the being little part of the game. I mean who would think that an insignificant Chu Chu would be a boss in a game.

Currently I'm working on completing the entire Zelda series over the summer as a challenge to myself and I just finished the 5th dungeon in AoL. This game is really hard, but it's a really rewarding experience and I feel such a sense of accomplishment every time I make it further. I still need to do LA, OoS, OoA, ALttP and a couple more and I'm really excited for the experiences I'm going to have. If this thread is still going by that time I might add some more to this too haha

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