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The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament!

The Joker

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 4px Purpl
Nov 24, 2011
At Amusement Mile
Bruce Lee
Chuck Norris
Muhammad Ali
Kazushi Sakuraba
Michelle Yeoh
Miyamoto Musashi
Jet Li
Jean Claude Van Damme
Ip Man
Jack Dempsey
Morihei Ueshiba
Rocky Marciano
Jackie Chan
Huo Yuanjia
Michael Jai White
Gene LeBell
Manny Pacquiao
Anderson Silva
Royce Gracie
Steven Seagal


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
Bruce Lee
Miyamoto Musashi
Morihei Ueshiba
Jet Li
Ip Man
Michelle Yeoh
Anderson Silva
Kazushi Sakuraba
Royce Gracie
Huo Yuanjia
Michael Jai White
Muhammad Ali
Jackie Chan
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Chuck Norris
Manny Pacquiao
Rocky Marciano
Jack Dempsey
Gene LeBell
Steven Seagal


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Round 2 has ended. Round 3 has begun!


The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament (UMAT) is my humorous twist on the first years of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) that took place back in the early ‘90s which tried to discern the most effective martial arts style in the world. This, on the other hand, will focus on trying to decide (unreasonably, of course) who the single greatest martial artist in the public’s eye is considering fighters of any and all styles from any part of history. Alexander the Great vs. George Forman? Great. Bruce Lee vs. Anderson Silva? Sure. Mike Tyson vs. Ip Man? Okay. A famous wrestler vs. a famous karateka? Why not? The rules of these hypothetical fights will adhere to the official UFC rules for Mixed Martial Arts and the battles will take place in our hypothetical MMA/UFC octagon ring (this is just to clarify that nothing that is illegal in the UFC (such as weapons) will be legal for this tournament). I would like for the members of Zelda Dungeon to participate in a 3-round light-hearted project that centers on this fundamental question: Transcending individual styles and sports, according to ZD, who is the pound for pound single greatest martial artist in history? All applicants must be real people, living or dead, and they will be in their prime.

This project will consist of three rounds. Round 1 will have ZD members list their top 5 favorite martial artists. As the project’s organizer, I will then narrow the list down to 20 finalists based on how often certain figures were listed by members. You only get 5 to choose, and all 5 must be different (no dupes in your list). Round 2 will then have ZD members seed the 20 finalists from 1 (the best on the list in their opinion) to 20 (the worst on the list in their opinion). I will officially seed them into a bracket using this data. Round 3 itself will consist of several sub-rounds. In Round 3, I will present the tournament bracket (single elimination NCAA-style tournament, see spoiler below) with correct seed placement as well as an info bank giving some basic details (ranks, achievements, tale of the tape, etc) about each of the 20 competitors to help you vote. ZD members will vote in each round for who they think will win each current battle in the round. At the end of each sub-round, I will tally the votes (each ZD member gets 1 vote for each battle in the round) and the martial arts figures with the most votes will move on to the next round in the bracket (ties will be decided by the higher seed). This will continue until the Championship Battle when the winner (as well as the 3rd place bronze competitor) will be decided.

Round 3 is in effect now. Based on all your ranking data, I have completed the bracket with the final seeds using a variation of the Instant-runoff voting method. The official seeds are below:

1. Bruce Lee
2. Miyamoto Musashi
3. Chuck Norris
4. Jet Li
5. Rocky Marciano
6. Michelle Yeoh
7. Manny Pacquiao
8. Huo Yuanjia
9. Jackie Chan
10. Muhammad Ali
11. Ip Man
12. Anderson Silva
13. Michael Jai White
14. Morihei Ueshiba
15. Jean-Claude Van Damme
16. Kazushi Sakuraba
17. Royce Gracie
18. Gene LeBell
19. Jack Dempsey
20. Steven Seagal

Here is the full bracket:


Click here to see it larger.

And the Round 1 bracket only (what you’ll need to pay attention to for now)


To help you vote, I have made a brief Information Bank for each of the 20 finalists:

Bruce Lee

Martial Arts Training: Wing Chun Kung Fu, Boxing, Karate, Judo, Wresting, and Jeet Kun Do.
Sports Record: 1958 Hong Kong World Boxing Championship winner. Defeated Kung Fu master Wong Jack Man a few years later. Put on impressive exhibitions at the Long Beach IKCs and won every sparring event there against black belts from several styles.
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs

Jackie Chan

Martial Arts Training: Zuiquan Kung Fu (Drunken boxing) and Hapkido.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 165 lbs

Jet Li

Martial Arts Training: Many styles of Northern Shaolin lineage Kung Fu, including: Changquan, Fanziquan, Baguazhang, Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Yingzhaoquan, Zuiquan, and Tanglanquan. Sports Wushu.
Sports Record: 15 gold medals and 1 silver medal at various Chinese Wushu Championships.
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 145 lbs

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Martial Arts Training: Shotokan Karate and Kickboxing.
Sports Record: Kickboxing record: 18-1-0. Karate record: 44-4-0.
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 185 lbs

Steven Seagal:

Martial Arts Training: Aikido and Karate.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 250 lbs

Anderson Silva

Martial Arts Training: Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo, Capoeira, and Judo.
Sports Record: MMA record: 33-6-0. Boxing record: 1-1-0.
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 185 lbs

Royce Gracie

Martial Arts Training: Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts.
Sports Record: MMA record: 14-2-3.
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 176 lbs

Manny Pacquiao

Martial Arts Training: Boxing.
Sports Record: Boxing record: 55-5-2.
Height: 5’6”
Weight: Varies

Chuck Norris

Martial Arts Training: Chun Kuk Do, Tang Soo Do, Karate, Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and Judo.
Sports Record: Multiple IKF championships with 10 losses and several dozen wins in total. World Karate Hall of Famer.
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 170 lbs

Gene LeBell

Martial Arts Training: Judo, Catch Wrestling, and Jujutsu.
Sports Record: Won a great many Judo and Wrestling competitions as well as the first ever MMA event.
Height: Couldn’t find it, probably under 6’.
Weight: 165 lbs.

Ip Man

Martial Arts Training: Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 120 lbs

Muhammad Ali

Martial Arts Training: Boxing.
Sports Record: Boxing record: 56-5-0. Olympic Gold Medalist.
Height: 6’3”
Weight: Heavyweight (varied)

Huo Yuanjia

Martial Arts Training: Mizongyi Kung Fu. General Wushu mixing.
Sports Record: Won every match in an unofficial West vs. East event. Beat the crap out of all of his opponents.
Height: Couldn’t find. Definitely under 6’.
Weight: Couldn’t find. Definitely under 150 lbs.

Kazushi Sakuraba

Martial Arts Training: Mixed Martial Arts, Catch Wrestling, Shoot Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Sports Record: MMA record: 26-16-1.
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 187 lbs

Jack Dempsey

Martial Arts Training: Boxing.
Sports Record: Boxing record: 66-8-11.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: Heavyweight (varied)

Morihei Ueshiba

Martial Arts Training: Aikido and various kinds of jujutsu.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 183 lbs

Rocky Marciano

Martial Arts Training: Boxing.
Sports Record: Boxing: 49-0-0.
Height: 5’11”
Weight: Heavyweight (varied)

Michelle Yeoh

Martial Arts Training: Stunt work and acrobatic choreography.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120 lbs

Miyamoto Musashi

Martial Arts Training: Kenjutsu.
Sports Record: N/A. Beat the crap out of a lot of people though and was unmatched with swordplay.
Height: Unknown.
Weight: Unknown.

Michael Jai White

Martial Arts Training: Several styles of Karate, including Kyokushin, Shotokan, and Gojo Ryu. Taekwondo, Kobudo, Tang Soo Do, and sports Wushu Kung Fu.
Sports Record: N/A
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 190 lbs.

Now the real fun begins. Round 1 of the actual UMAT tournament starts now and will be open for 24 hours. Round 1 consists of the following battles:

In Battle A, we have 13 seed Michael Jai White vs. 14 seed Morihei Ueshiba.
In Battle B, we have 15 seed Jean-Claude Van Damme vs. 16 seed Kazushi Sakuraba.
In Battle C, we have 17 seed Royce Gracie vs. 18 seed Gene LeBell.
In Battle D, we have 19 seed Jack Dempsey vs. 20 seed Steven Seagal.

Bruce Lee, Miyamoto Musashi, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, Rocky Marciano, Michelle Yeoh, Manny Pacquiao, Huo Yuanjia, Jackie Chan, Muhammad Ali, Ip Man, and Anderson Silva all seeded high enough to qualify for a first round bye.

This project chooses winners by democracy. You can vote 1 time for each battle in each round. Round 1 consists of 4 different battles, so that means you may vote four times in Round 1; one time for each battle (A, B, C, and D). Please post your votes in a comment like this as an example:


A Battle = Michael Jai White (w)
B Battle = Jean-Claude Van Damme (w)
C Battle = Gene LeBell (w)
D Battle = Jack Dempsey (w)

End of Example

The martial artists that receive most votes in their specific fight will move onto the next round. Ties will be decided by the higher seed.

Round 3 (Round 1 of the tournament itself), or voting to help decide who will move into Round 2 of the tournament, begins now and will close on 2:00 am United States EST on March 30, 2014. Vote so your favorite has a better chance of winning! Rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the tournament (all of Round 3) have ended. See below on the fifth page for the results.
Last edited:
Oct 20, 2008
A Battle = Michael Jai White (w)
B Battle = Jean-Claude Van Damme (w)
C Battle = Royce Gracie (w)
D Battle = Jack Dempsey (w)
Last edited:


Jul 1, 2012
Round 1 Winners

A Battle = Micheal Jai White
B Battle = Kazushi Sakuraba
C Battle = Royce Gracie
D Battle = Jack Dempsey
Jul 1, 2013
A Battle = Michael Jai White (w)
B Battle = Jean-Claude Van Damme (w)
C Battle = Royce Gracie (w)
D Battle = Jack Dempsey (w)


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
Battle A = Michael Jai White (w)
Battle B = Kazushi Sakuraba (w)
Battle C = Royce Gracie (w)
Battle D = Jack Dempsey (w)


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Round 3 Update – Tournament Round 1 results! Tournament Round 2 is open!

Round 1 voting has now closed. Round 2 voting is now open.


Round 3 itself will consist of several sub-rounds. In Round 3, I will present the tournament bracket (single elimination NCAA-style tournament, see spoiler below) with correct seed placement as well as an info bank giving some basic details (ranks, achievements, tale of the tape, etc) about each of the 20 competitors to help you vote. ZD members will vote in each round for who they think will win each current battle in the round. At the end of each sub-round, I will tally the votes (each ZD member gets 1 vote for each battle in the round) and the martial arts figures with the most votes will move on to the next round in the bracket (ties will be decided by the higher seed). This will continue until the Championship Battle when the winner (as well as the 3rd place bronze competitor) will be decided.

The Round 1 results are below:

In the A-Battle of Round 1, Michael Jai White dominated Morihei Ueshiba, winning 5-2. White’s variety of striking abilities proved to be too much for the Aikido master who is a force to be reckoned with in his own right. Ueshiba threw White to the floor more times than White would have liked, but it wasn't enough.

In the B-Battle of Round 1, Kazushi Sakuraba narrowly beat Jean-Claude Van Damme, winning 4-3. Both warriors fought as hard as they could, but Sakuraba’s wrestling and grappling proved to be too much for Van Damme in the end. It was a Van Damme good fight the whole way through.

In the C-Battle of Round 1, Royce Gracie submitted Gene LeBell using a rear-naked choke in the first minute of the first round, winning 6-1. The Judo champ just couldn’t deal with the deadly grappling techniques perfected by the Gracies of Brazil.

In the D-Battle of Round 1, Jack Dempsey KO’d Steven Seagal with one punch a mere 4 seconds after the bell rang, winning 7-0. This blowout proved once and for all that Steven Seagal’s ponytail is not endowed with magical powers.

Congratulations to Michael Jai White, Kazushi Sakuraba, Royce Gracie, and Jack Dempsey. Their Round 2 opponents will test them like never before.

The battles continue! Round 2 of the actual UMAT tournament starts now and will be open for 24 hours. Round 2 consists of the following battles:

In Battle E, we have 1 seed Bruce Lee vs. 13 seed Michael Jai White.
In Battle F, we have 2 seed Miyamoto Musashi vs. 3 seed Chuck Norris.
In Battle G, we have 4 seed Jet Li vs. 16 seed Kazushi Sakuraba.
In Battle H, we have 5 seed Rocky Marciano vs. 6 seed Michelle Yeoh.
In Battle I, we have 7 seed Manny Pacquiao vs. 17 seed Royce Gracie.
In Battle J, we have 8 seed Huo Yuanjia vs. 9 seed Jackie Chan.
In Battle K, we have 10 seed Muhammad Ali vs. 19 seed Jack Dempsey.
In Battle L, we have 11 seed Ip Man vs. 12 seed Anderson Silva.

Here is the full bracket:


Click here to see it larger.

And the Round 2 bracket only (what you’ll need to pay attention to for now)


This project chooses winners by democracy. You can vote 1 time for each battle in each round. Round 2 consists of 8 different battles, so that means you may vote eight times in Round 2; one time for each battle (E, F, G, H, I, J, K, and L). Please post your votes in a comment like this as an example:


E Battle = [insert winner’s name]
F Battle = [insert winner’s name]
G Battle = [insert winner’s name]
H Battle = [insert winner’s name]
I Battle = [insert winner’s name]
J Battle = [insert winner’s name]
K Battle = [insert winner’s name]
L Battle = [insert winner’s name]

End of Example

The martial artists that receive most votes in their specific fight will move onto the next round. Ties will be decided by the higher seed.

Round 3 continues (Round 2 of the tournament itself begins), or voting to help decide who will move into Round 3 of the tournament, begins now and will close on 2:00 am United States EST on March 31, 2014. Vote so your favorite has a better chance of winning! This round is now closed.
Last edited:


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
E Battle = Bruce Lee
F Battle = Musashi
G Battle = Jet Li
H Battle = Michelle Yeoh
I Battle = Royce Gracie
J Battle = Jackie Chan
K Battle = Muhammed Ali
L Battle = Anderson Silva


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
E Battle = Bruce Lee
F Battle = Chuck Norris
G Battle = Kazushi Sakuraba
H Battle = Rocky Marciano
I Battle = Royce Gracie
J Battle = Huo Yuanjia
K Battle = Muhammad Ali
L Battle = Anderson Silva
Oct 20, 2008
E Battle = Bruce Lee
F Battle = Chuck Norris
G Battle = Jet Li
H Battle = Rocky Marciano
I Battle = Manny Pacquiao
J Battle = Jackie Chan
K Battle = Jack Dempsey
L Battle = Anderson Silva

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