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Zelda Art The Sage of Wind


Dec 31, 2011
New York
"In the ancient times,just barely after the Goddesses created the land we call Hyrule, near a small forest there was a vast plain. It was nearly empty, and blowing across it was an ever present breeze. The grass in the plains swayed gentle, and near the clouds was a furious wind, keeping away clouds yet bringing rain into the plains. The land dwellers called this the Spirit of the Great Wind. They say that he was a friend of the Spirit of the Trees, as she once brought a seed from a great tree into the plain and carefully nurtured it. The seed grew into a great tree like the one it came from. This was a sign from the Spirit of the Great Wind that he would keep the small forest nearby safe.

The Spirit of the Great Wind and the Spirit of the Trees had a child, a girl. She had blonde hair and was clad in green. Her name was Fado, and she was entrusted by the Goddesses to be the Sage of Wind. She would guard the plains as well as the forest. The Spirits of the Seasons planted flowers for her, and the Spirits of Time entrusted her a medallion for a special fate that would occur on the future. One night, the Spirits of the Moon came down and some stayed with her, learning to appreciate nature.

Time passed and the Spirits of the Great Wind and Trees passed away. Fado and company mourned for them, as did the great tree. The great tree saidhe would protect them, but he knew his strength would not last forever. So he asked Fado to do something to ensure that he would live to protect them. He said that if fado but the medallion from the Spirits of Time and the Flowers from the Spirits of the Seasons in front of him, he could create a forest suitable for living in out of the small forest near by. Fado thought about this very carefully, forif she did so the plain would dissappear. But it would be consumed by harshwinds if nothing was done. So she did as the great tree asked and let a forest appear.

For a time the forest was peaceful, but soon men from far away lands came and chopped down many trees. The forestwould be gone if something wasn't done. So Fado went and quietly murdered each one in the night. The great tree was angry at her for doing this, because these men could have been removed in other ways. And out of these men came spirits, imp like spirits with large eyes and strange pointed ears. Their skin was grey, and they blew leaves off of trees and some small trees felldue to them. Fado asked the great tree what should be done, and he said theycould not be destroyed or sent away now.

Fado was convinced that something could be done. One of the Spirits of the Moon said that they should create a maze to trap the imp spirits in the woods. Using there moon magic, the Moon Spirits made a maze that entraps all who enter and turns them to bone, exceptfor those whodwelled in the forest since it was created. But the imps were savy and found clever ways through.

Out of ideas, Fado sought a man from the Tribe of Sheikah, who was known for his ability in the magical arts. She did find him, and she told him her problem. When he heard this he instantly summoned the imp spirits and imprisoned them in the walls of the house of the dead. He said that the Fado and the Moon Spirits should stay in the woods, away from people. He placed a spell over Fado that would make her "Kokiri" or "one that dwell in trees" to keep her in the woods. He also did this to the Moon Spirits, who without knowing, also became Kokiri.

To protect them, he made spirits called "Deku" or "life from the leaves". He made the great tree their ultimate guardian, calling him the Great Deku Tree. Fado thanked him then returned home. But the forest had been cursed while she was gone. A Spiritof Nature came to her and said that she could save the woods by using a power that only sages could do to create another sage from their own power. Fado would also become a normal Kokiri if she did this. Fadoinstantly created this other sage, but this sage would have to remain away from the others for a time.So a building was constructed magically to hold her for a time.

Her name was Saria."

And so that is the story of the Wind Sage as told in some Hylian Mythology.

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