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Pokemon Art The Quest for Truth: a Pokemon Black Nuzlocke Run

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Here is my first attempt at a written Nuzlocke run. I decided to write it in first-person perspective to make it more interesting. Please note that this was originally written for a different website before I became a moderator here, so the language isn't exactly PG, though hopefully the word filter will pick up on the more egregious wordings.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the prologue, I'll be sure to post the next parts soon.


Somewhere in central Brooklyn, New York City:

???: “Hey, Waffles, get over! We’re gonna miss the metro to school if you don’t hurry up!”

I turn around and look in the direction of the person shouting.

Waffles: “Hold your horses, I’m coming over. Sheesh, Dennis, you don’t have to be in such a rush. It’s just freakin’ school, man.”
Dennis: “Maybe to you, it is. I’ve got council duties, remember, so I gotta be there early to take care of matters. You straggling behind isn’t helping matters any, you know.”
Waffles: “And I thought I told you to stop calling me Waffles. It’s Hilbert, got that?”
Dennis: “Well, whatever. With the way things have been going lately, it doesn’t really matter much now anyways, does it?”
Hilbert: “…Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

The subway car door closes, and the train takes off down the tunnel.

Hilbert: “I heard that Paris got hit pretty hard with meteor showers just last week…”
Dennis: “Yep, sure did. What is going on with the world nowadays? Meteor showers, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires… I even heard that the big mountain on Japan’s northern island is experiencing some bizarre space-time distortions. Sure does seem like the end of the world if I ever saw one.”
Hilbert: “C’mon, man, don’t talk like that. These are all just natural coincidences that can be explained by science, the world’s not coming to an end. Just you wait, next week we’ll be out of the meteor shower and we can all go back to our lives like normal.”
Dennis: “Yeah, I’d like that. This Student Council President position is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love being able to order all my subordinates around like the tools that they are. I can get any policy that I want passed. I basically OWN the school now. Next it’ll be the city, and after that the world! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Hilbert: “Whoa, calm down there Dennis. You’re letting the power get to you, man. And besides that, leaders are supposed to treat their subordinates with respect, not treat them like mere tools.”
Dennis: “But that’s what they basically are. Why should I think of them any differently when they just go along with everything I say with no opposition?”
Hilbert: “…”
Dennis: “…Thought so. Leave me with my council work and I’ll leave you to go play your chess or whatever it is you do at that club after school.”
Hilbert: “Don’t talk down about my chess club! It’s the only thing at that blasted school I even look forward to these days, nothing else even comes close to challenging my intellect.”
Dennis: “Heh, whatever, nerd.”
Hilbert: “Shut up, jackass.”
Announcer: “The train will be arriving at Bay Ridge Ave. in 30 seconds.”
Hilbert: Welp, that’s our stop. Come on, let’s get today over with.”

Dennis and I both step off of the subway and out of the station outside. Walking outside we start arguing over who’s going to go to the Super Bowl this year.

Hilbert: “…no man, I’m telling you, the Jets are going this year, they’ve got the perfect line-up!”
Dennis: “You’re outta your mind, dude! The Giants have gone twice out of the past 5 years, they’re going without even a questio-“
Hilbert: “…um… what is it?”

I look at him, and he has the most terrified look I’ve ever seen on his face. All he can muster is:

Dennis: “…omigosh dude we’re going to die…”
Hilbert: “What are you talking abou-“

And that’s when I say it.
Just above us, an enormous meteor is streaking over the city. I can’t even make out how big it is, it’s blotting out the sun. It’s heading north but it’s gonna land at any second.


The meteor strikes with a cataclysmic impact. The ground crumbles beneath my feet, buildings are falling left and right, and an unearthly wail fills the air. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was a rushing wall, not of fire but of ice, encompassing me before I can even take another breath.

--------------*an unknown amount of time passes with Hilbert frozen solid in the wall of ice.*------------

The first thing I can remember after that is a warming sensation across my face.

???: “Careful now, we don’t know how long he’s been frozen like this, we need to thaw him out nice and slow. Easy on the heater, Nurse Joy.”

Am I still alive? I could have sworn I had died back there. Who are these people….
Oh thank God, finally I can breathe again! I can’t seem to open my eyes though, and the next thing I know I black out again.

-----*a few hours later…*--------

???: “Watch your step, he’s coming to again. We can’t have another scare like last time!”

I open my eyes and look around me. I’m in a hospital ward, on what seems to be an operating table. A doctor in a white lab coat is looking over me, with a nurse with pink hair behind him.

Doctor: “Well look who’s finally awake! We were wondering if we could even save you after you had been under that ice for so long. You blacked out and your heart stopped beating again that first time, so we had to give you a Revive. Honestly, we didn’t think it would work, but somehow it did.”
Hilbert: “Well that’s good, I’m just glad to be alive.”
Hilbert: “…wait, you gave me a what now?”
Doctor: “A Revive. It usually only works on Pokemon, but we were out of options so we had to try.”
Hilbert: “…ok my brain must still be coming to. Why would a pill only work on poker men?”
Doctor: “What’s poker? I said Pokemon.”
Hilbert: “…so I heard it right the first time. What the flying **** is a Pokemon!?”

Everyone in the room gives me the most dumbfounded look in existence.

Doctor: “…holy smokes. Nurse Joy, how long has he been in that ice?”
Nurse Joy: “We have no way of knowing. I just assumed he ran across a Vanillish at some point and got iced over.”
Doctor: “Well that’s not good, now is it? We need to get him to a professor who can get him up to speed. Is Oak still in town?”
Nurse Joy: “No, he left for Pallet Town last Saturday.”
Doctor: “Hmm, I guess Juniper should do just fine then, even if this isn’t her specialty. Get her on the Cross-Transceiver as soon as you can!”
???: “Actually, I’m already here.”
Doctor: “Juniper! When did you get here!?”
Juniper: “I flew over from Hoenn as soon as I heard about the discovery; I just now got back in town.”
Doctor: “That could not have been better timing if I had planned it myself! Splendid! This young man here needs some catching up on our world; apparently he has absolutely no idea what Pokemon are.”
Juniper: “…oh my, that IS a shock. Ok then, let me do my best.”

I sit up on the table, and Juniper walks around to face me directly. The professor is a middle-aged woman with brown hair and a light green lab coat.

Juniper: “Hmm, looks like I need to start from square one here, so… Hi there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Professor Juniper. Everyone calls me the Pokemon Professor!”
Hilbert: “Ok, I think I’m with you so far. You’re a Professor studying whatever the hell these Pokemon things are. But where am I? Last thing I remember before the ice I was still in Brooklyn.”
Juniper: “…say what now? What’s this Brooklyn place you’re talking about? You’re in the land of Unova, in the world of Pokemon!”
Hilbert: “…um… what the heck… eh, whatever, get on to whatever these Pokemon things are that everyone keeps going on about.”
Juniper: “Ah, glad you asked. Here, let me demonstrate.”

Juniper grabs a large ball from her coat pocket. It’s got a red top half and a white bottom half and what looks to be a button on the front. Before I can ask anything, she throws the ball, it opens up with a bright flash of light, and a furry bipedal rodent with large ears pops out.

Juniper: “Settle down now. It’s quite alright, it won’t bite. This world is widely inhabited by these mysterious creatures called Pokemon! Pokemon have mysterious powers. They come in many shapes and live in many different places. We humans live happily with Pokemon! Living and working together, we complement each other. We help each other out to accomplish difficult tasks. Having Pokemon battle one another is particularly popular, and it deepens the bonds between people and Pokemon. And that is why I research Pokemon.”
Hilbert: “…whoa, you’re kind of blowing my mind right now. So, there are more of these things out there? And they come in different shapes and sizes. So… they’re like pets? Ok I can understand that. And you’re somehow able to capture them in those balls… what are they, anyway?”
Juniper: “Oh, right. These are what we call Poke Balls. They allow us to capture and transport Pokemon with us, and we can call them out whenever we desire.”
Hilbert: “Seems like a form of slavery to me. And what’s this about having these Pokemon fight each other? Isn’t that illegal?”
Juniper: “What are you talking about?”
Hilbert: “Well, I mean where I’m from having your pet animals fight for sport is considered highly unethical, and you’d have the animal rights people throw you in prison for years.”
Juniper: “…well there are some people that would rather not have Pokemon fight, but for many people it’s just a way of life. We have healing centers like the one you’re in right now that can fully heal all the Pokemon’s wounds and restore their vitality, so there’s no issue of injuring Pokemon here. We’ve developed a symbiotic relationship with these creatures, helping each other out in our daily lives. Really, I can’t imagine living in a world without Pokemon.”
Hilbert: “And I can’t imagine living WITH them. But whatever, from what it sounds like I’m a long way from New York so I need to make do.”
Juniper: “Good to hear. Well, that’s enough from me… could you tell me about yourself? Are you a boy? Or a girl?”
Hilbert: “…you’re kidding me, right? It isn’t obvious?”
Juniper: “Just bear with me; it’s part of my job. I can’t discriminate against any sexuality, and so it’s my job to ask.”
Hilbert: “Okay, okay, fine. I’m a guy.”
Juniper: “As expected. I’d like to know your name. Please tell me.”
Hilbert: “It’s Hilbert. Hilbert Quaffler.”
Juniper: “So your name is Hilbert. Strange last name, but then again everything about this case is strange. But never mind me! What a wonderful name! Well then. I’m going to introduce you to your two best friends!”
Hilbert: “What the heck?”
Juniper: “To be more precise, these are new assistants of mine I have hired to help you get acquainted to the place. Cheren, Bianca, please come in now!”

A boy with jet black hair and a girl with large blonde hair walk into the room and stand besides Juniper.

Juniper: “This young man is Cheren. He can be a little difficult, but he’s a very honest person. And this young woman is Bianca. She’s a little flighty, but she works very hard. I think you three have potential, so I’m going to give you a very, very important Pokemon.”
Hilbert: “Wait what? You’re giving me one of those things? Why?”
Cheren: “…oh wow this guy is more clueless that I could have imagined…”
Bianca: “Hey come on now, don’t be rude! He’s been in that confounded ice for who knows how long! We’ve got to be gentle around him.”
Juniper: “Quite so. Let me explain. As part of my research I have my assistants go out into the world and collect data on the Pokemon out in their natural habitat. In order to ensure the success of this task, I give my assistants special Pokemon that I have under my care. As my newly appointed assistant you shall be receiving one as well. I feel this is a unique opportunity to gather information on the bonding between trainer and Pokemon, since you are entirely new to the concept.”
Hilbert: “Ok… seems I don’t have much of a choice in the matter…”
Juniper: “Hilbert! The moment you choose the Pokemon that will accompany you on your journey, your story will truly begin. During your journey, you will meet many Pokemon and people with different personalities and points of view! I really hope you find what is important to you in all of these travels… That’s right! Befriend new people and Pokemon and grow as a person! That is the most important goal for your journey! Let’s go visit the world of Pokemon!”
Hilbert: “*under his breath* I’ve got to find a way to get out of here and back to New York…

End of Prologue

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