Do not bring in a 9/11 discussion here.
There is no fourth triforce piece! I am telling you, because if there was, WHY DIDN'T NINTENDO MENTION IT YET?!
i didnt bring in a 9/11 discussion. i used an analogy and a pretty good one at that. dont tell me what i can and cant post because as long as im following the rules of the website, i can post whatever i want.
and dont say that there is no fourth piece of the trifoce. if youre sick of reading what we have to say about it then stop reading or responding to anything we are saying. its a friendly discussion and you are getting angry. by the way, your posts dont contribute to this discussion at all so all youre doing is spamming, which is against the rules of the website.
one more thing, dont get mad at me. i never once said i believe that there is a fourth triforce piece. all i did was introduce an idea for people to discuss and youre freaking out over it.
the fact that nintendo hasnt mentioned it yet doesnt mean anything. you never know what to expect from the zelda series. there are a lot of unexplained things in the zelda series that are hinted at but may never be explained.
here is your question "if there was a fourth piece why hasnt it been mentioned yet?"
it goes both ways "if there ISNT a fourth piece then how come that hasnt been confirmed either?"
both questions are very valid. as long as there is even the tiniest bit of evidence that there might be a fourth piece, you will never be able to convince everyone there isnt. deal with it and move on with your life.