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The Master Sword's Pedestal


Slim Shady

i was playing a few games and i noticed (as many of you have) that the master sword always appears to be in different places, maybe so but maybe it is not the master sword that changes positions but maybe the buildings which house it change maybe for example the temple of time deteriorates and originates the Sacred grove, or the castle might have been rebuilt around the sword in ww, i am not claiming this for sure post your opinions please.
Jan 2, 2012
In SS and TP it seems to be in the same area for sure, deep in the faron woods. For OoT I'm not sure off the top of my head, I'd need to see a map of that game again. It's been so long.
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I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
The Master Sword doesn't really change places that much, actually. It is in either the Sacred Grove, the Temple of Time, or some strange mix of the two like the one in TP. Why this is so, I have no idea. I'm mostly confused about how the Temple of Time goes from next to the market place in OoT to the middle of Faron Woods in TP.


Weapon of a Lifetime
Nov 2, 2011
The Master Sword doesn't really change places that much, actually. It is in either the Sacred Grove, the Temple of Time, or some strange mix of the two like the one in TP. Why this is so, I have no idea. I'm mostly confused about how the Temple of Time goes from next to the market place in OoT to the middle of Faron Woods in TP.

Well when you
Go back in time to the temple of time I always assumed that that was the same from OOT and a forest overgrew it, going back to SS the trees are probably naturally there and the hylians cut it down but it eventually came back. As for WW the royal family probably built around it for safekeeping. And ALttP is the same situation as TP probably...
Jan 8, 2012
The Master Sword doesn't really change places that much, actually. It is in either the Sacred Grove, the Temple of Time, or some strange mix of the two like the one in TP. Why this is so, I have no idea. I'm mostly confused about how the Temple of Time goes from next to the market place in OoT to the middle of Faron Woods in TP.

yeah I never got that. in TP it's obvious why it's in the woods, because you can't see the Temple of Time yet so it looks like it's in the woods when really it was in the temple all along but why is the temple moved from next to the castle in OOT. I never got that


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It's strange how there's a Temple of Time in Skyward Sword's Lanayru Desert, but the Master Sword is lain to rest at the Sacred Temple in the Faron Province. That ToT seemed to be deteriorated anyhow, so the Sealed Temple likely replaced it, and it became the very one in Ocarina of Time. I'm baffled, though, by how Hyrule Castle was made with a workforce of just two men, Link and Groose (if Groose remained with them), and Zelda, the lady. A tribe of Goron's that Gorko must've known likely helped them build the castle, or in later years Skyloftians migrated to the newly-founded Hyrule and helped construct the castle.

At any rate, from the time between OoT and TP the Hylians seemed to have relocated the castle farther north of Faron, abandoning the Sacred Grove (in which the Sacred Temple/ OoT Temple of Time existed) and the Master Sword with it, What could have forced such a move, I have no idea, but forest reclaimed that area. Continuing on to WW's time, Hyrule was flooded but the OoT castle remained, except they were forced to hide the Master Sword beneath it, where its power dwindled. And that essentially accounts for the changing places of the MS and its pedestal.

Slim Shady

the biggest problem with my theory is: the building changing might have occured from ss to oot, but not from oot to tp, maybe between the games the people might not have thought the sword was safe in the temple, and might have hidden the sword elsewhere, which is about the only explanation as to the placement of lake hylia and death mountain on the maps for example in lttp the people migth have mooved the sword to the lost woods for safe keeping


Bow Down to the Dark Lord
Nov 7, 2011
The World Of Darkness
The Master Sword doesn't really change places that much, actually. It is in either the Sacred Grove, the Temple of Time, or some strange mix of the two like the one in TP. Why this is so, I have no idea. I'm mostly confused about how the Temple of Time goes from next to the market place in OoT to the middle of Faron Woods in TP.

yeah, me too. i wonder why....


Bow Down to the Dark Lord
Nov 7, 2011
The World Of Darkness
After OoT Hyrule Castle was destroyed and a new one had to be built. Perhaps they decided to change the house of the Master Sword while they were at it. Hence why in WW it is deep at the heart of the castle and TP it is placed back in the forest. Why it got moved to castle town in teh first place though is beyond me. I'll have to play MC again

so the tp castle was the OoT castle rebuilt, so they tore down the ToT (Temple of Time) and moved it to a new location?
Nov 28, 2011
After OoT Hyrule Castle was destroyed and a new one had to be built. Perhaps they decided to change the house of the Master Sword while they were at it. Hence why in WW it is deep at the heart of the castle and TP it is placed back in the forest. Why it got moved to castle town in teh first place though is beyond me. I'll have to play MC again

The Master Sword didn't appear in MC. Was it mentioned or something? Did I miss something?
Jan 8, 2012
so the tp castle was the OoT castle rebuilt, so they tore down the ToT (Temple of Time) and moved it to a new location?

why would TP castle be rebuilt if it's in child link's timeline? the castle should have never broken because they got rid of ganondorf before he could do anything.


Bow Down to the Dark Lord
Nov 7, 2011
The World Of Darkness
why would TP castle be rebuilt if it's in child link's timeline? the castle should have never broken because they got rid of ganondorf before he could do anything.

Because link and Zelda used the Ocarina of Time to seal ganondorf in the (where was it? I'll have to play OoT again) realm. So then Zelda used the OoT to send link back into his childhood. So I guess that would explain why the tp castle might be the OoT castle. Link got older and moved out of clocktown and kept on looking for navi. Then got lost in the lost woods and turned into hero's shade. So maybe when hero's shade says something like,"don't fail me my son.". But seeing as link is a rancher in tp it would make sense if Malon was link's mom. Ok I am just going to stop now because I just went all Zelda timeline mode.
Jan 8, 2012
Because link and Zelda used the Ocarina of Time to seal ganondorf in the (where was it? I'll have to play OoT again) realm. So then Zelda used the OoT to send link back into his childhood. So I guess that would explain why the tp castle might be the OoT castle. Link got older and moved out of clocktown and kept on looking for navi. Then got lost in the lost woods and turned into hero's shade. So maybe when hero's shade says something like,"don't fail me my son.". But seeing as link is a rancher in tp it would make sense if Malon was link's mom. Ok I am just going to stop now because I just went all Zelda timeline mode.

in the child timeline they didn't seal ganondorf anywhere the sages tried to kill him and put him in the twilight realm.

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