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The Legend of Zelda: Talons of the Dragons

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
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(Fan Fict)
Before I start I must tell you some things, I used AI to generate that Image so it's not perfect :(
This is a different species of dragon, every human/hylian century is 1 year to a dragon so I don't know the point I was trying to make
Vaken was flying around the beautiful skies of Hyrule(The dragon) Vaken was from a proud species of dragons called Enzu(En-Zoo) they were all a teal/blue color. Vaken decided it was time to visit Termina. When he made it through he drunk some water when Scull Kid Cursed him.... He barely made it back through the Rift when he was a Hylian with red hair, red! He tried to turn back to a dragon but it was useless. he was stuck in his human form, Vak.(yes you can ask questions) He was wiring a green-blue tunic with a sword strapped to his back, he had stainless-white trousers with brown military boots, he had one of his Talons in a pouch along with a singular hookshot, and that was it. He was on a mountain, so he decided to go find civilization.
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Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Untitled design (1).png
At the base of the mountain was a stable. Vak thought, If there's a stable there are horses, so he decided to get a horse, and when he did he registered it and named it Zear. Zear had a red mane and brown fur. He was ridding away to civilization.

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Untitled design (2).png
When Vak arrived at Hateno Village, every one was glaring at him, and shielding their children, Vak tried and failed to reassure them by saying, "I'm no Gerudo, and I just want to speak to Rollan the scholar at the lab," Yet it was futile.

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