Majora's Mask was.........interesting. It was depressing mainly, but it seemed easy. (Go whoever did that guide on ZD!) I mean, the only time I think I was ever really happy in that game was when I beat a boss, and even then I wasn't that happy. It's truly a depressing game, but a great one at that.
(That Was Caleb who did the MM guide)
But ya, the game really was a bit depressing. Everybody in Clocktown had a depressing mindset as the moon was crashing down on their city, although that was understandable.
In general the game just seemed so dark, in comparison to its predecessor in Ocarina of Time. Still enjoyed it a ton and it's a great Zelda title for various reasons.
I also think that the dungeons were easily completable without having to slow down time. I never knew about slowing down time until after I had beaten the game already. Sure that was useful and all, but what I would do for the most part, is just save and return to the past just before I was ready to enter a temple. Then when I was actually in the temple, I had the full time to play through it. There were times I got stuck in the Great Bay Temple and all, but I think that has more to do with the difficulty of the Temple rather than the time system. I'm not sure how long it took to actually go through all 3 days without any songs... I think it was about 45minutes to an hour or so, something like that. So ya, many temples took more than one try to get through because they took longer than that hour limit, but it was still alright, I didn't mind it.