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The Legend of Zelda: Links In Time


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
it takes 3 to tango honestly. liked the concept. 1 more in rotation would have made it playable. up to you though.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
A Rift opens above Hyrule Field. A Man is flung out of this rift at an immense speed, followed by a Dwarven Maul. in an instant the rift is shut, severing the Hand of whatever cast out this Man. The Man Laughs as his fall is softened by the Treetops above the Lost Woods. The Hammer impacts the ground of the Field at such velocity a Crater is formed. The Man falls unconscious, wreathed in a Purple Haze.

Hours Later, the Man awakens, sore beyond sore. The Man surveys his surroundings, before lighting his Pipe with a snap of his Fingers. As he stands upon his feet and dusts himself off he tries to seek Civilization.... and his Weapon


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
The Man walked the Path to the Kokiri Village as if he has done this many times before. As he walked past The Great and Powerful Mido, he made his way to the DEku Tree, as if by SEcond Nature. He Paid no mind to any Kikiri save Saria, to whom he shed a tear as he passed. As he walked to the Grand Clearing he stopped in front of the Deku Sprout, growing into a fine-looking tree in it's own right
"Do I Know you, Sir?" The Tree Asked in curiosity
"Tu no se, DJ. You do not, but I know you.....All too well. I'm here to check a few things, then I will be on my way. Forgive the Intrusion"
The Man walks around to the back of the Deku tree, looking for something important. The Man pulls a stone out of his Pocket and the Stone shines a Vibrant Blue. The Man is in Shock as there is nothing there. This is Unprecedented The Man Thought as he returned to the Sprout
"What is the Year?" The Man Asks The Sprout
The Tree Responds "The King of Evil was slain some time ago, if that is what you meant. Why do you ask?"
"Any Meteors to the West? a Plague? Ill Omens from the Moonlight? Anything?"
"I know not what you mean, Sir. Where are you from?"
The Man backs away in a fear-like shock
"I've said too much already.... Din be with you, DJ"
The Man walks away from the Tree trying to contemplate his existence and what his next steps should be


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
The Man saw the entity known as the Fierce Deity start making his way towards him. He felt for his weapon, but it was not there. The Man would have to manage with just his fists if it came to blows. The Man walked the Path towards Hyrule Field before he sat down and pulled out his pipe. This Man was about 5 and a half feet tall, sporting a bald head and a Black Beard slowly Greying. his eyes glossed over pure white, as if his eyes were milky marbles.
"Another hero doomed to fail... Figures..."The Man says as he lights his pipe, the Purple Haze flowing from his mouth.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Name: Rasul Kazad
Age: Ha Ha Ha
Gender: Male
Race: Half Elf/Half Dwarf
Height: 165 cm ( 5 foot 6)
Weight: 170
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: White
Weapon of Choice: Dwarven Maul/Magic
Known as Oberon Alabas to the Elves, This Half Dwarf born to simple Origins Moved to Hyrule in the Second Century of His Life during the Hylian Civil War joining The Shiekah side of the Conflict before being enlisted to a Faction known as the Black-Hearts whose main task was to end the war and garner the peace. After the War, Rasul attempted many times as an ambassador for his dwarven clan to seek a nearby Mountain as their new home, but citizenship was needed before the Princess Zelda would even hear his Plea, so Him and his two brothers walked from people to people garnering favor in diplomatic missions. and then the Plague that Wiped out 90% of Hyrule's Population happened, which sadly took Zelda's Life. Rasul was in the Woods when it made it there. he saw the Kokiri become Monsterous Abominations and had to put them down as a mercy. But that is but One Timeline of events. Rasul has researched heavily all kinds of Magic and harnessed some of the Power of one of The Temples of Time as well as The Harp of Ages. In doing so He blindly hops backwards in time trying to save and change his Future.

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