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The Great Magic Bean Incident

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
October 21st, 644 AH (After Hylia)
It's late, most Kokiri are asleep, but I, Mido, cannot sleep. For I feel as if something terrible is about to happen. This night a strange fog has descended upon the forest... Even as I write I hear footsteps outside my home, I will go and investigate.

October 22nd
The strangest thing happened, last night I saw tall people heading toward the Lost Woods, the fog limted my vision so they appeared only as dark figures. They had big noses, their bellies were plump, and they all wore hats similar to some Kokiri. When I followed them they must have heard me and hit me because the last thing I remember was going into the Lost Woods. When I awoke this morning near the entrance there was an assembly in the Lost Woods. We all were shocked to find a foreign plant growing a bean unlike anything we'd ever seen. Nobody believed my story, those who did believed that the goddesses had given us the beans as a gift. I pleaded that we first seek council with the Deku Tree and the Kokiri Elders but they all disregarded my reasoning. One thing they all agreed on was that someone should taste a bean. Young Sado ate the first bean; he claimed it was the best thing he ever ate, it was a “Magic Bean”. All who gathered there began picking beans to plant in their gardens and to consume. I want no part of it - not only do we lack knowledge of what the beans may do, we also have no idea who planted them and what their motives may be.

October 23rd
I was forced to leave the village last night, I am now hiding in a cave deep in the Lost Woods. As I suspected those accursed beans have only caused trouble! Choas broke in the village by noon, people had gone mad, it was as if they had become possessed. People were lighting giant fires, ripping off their cloths streaking through the forest, jumping from trees, even killing! I can't even begin to write all the horrific things I saw, some things would be too gruesome to write at all! I'd rather not remind myself of those sights. I can only conclude that this was no mere rioting, the beans are the cause and they must be destroyed with haste! If I let this get out of hand consumption of the beans will spread, soon the entire Faron Region will be overtook with use of the beans. All social and political order would crumble in a matter of months, within a year the same fate would befall onto all of Hyrule! Modern society would plunge back 3 Centuries, only there would be no monarchy, no goverment to sustain order. I must destroy those Magic Beans!

October 24th
I've devised a plan, I have worked all through the night on a anestheshic which I can place in the village's water supply. It has a delayed reaction so that no one will notice people falling asleep. The water will eventually become pure again after two days, but that is long enough for everyone to be exposed to it. I will gather the beans here and destroy them! May the goddesses help me!

October 25th
The plan was a success, I obtained all the beans! While I was tempted to destroy them immedietly I wanted to first test them. It seems that the beans contain a liquid form of a dissociative anesthetic - this means that these beans were not orginally organic. It seems that these beans' juices are very harmful to plants, it's a sort of poison in ways. My worst fear is that these beans were planted and were intended to be used on the Deku Tree. I must immediately return to my duties to restore order to the village after I've destroyed these beans, afterward I feel it's my responsibility to take watch over and regulate all who seek council with the Deku Tree to prevent a catastrophe.

I have just finished burning all the beans, but as I am about to leave I have a strange feeling that somewere in this cave I may have left some beans unburnt. I guess I'm just overthinking things, even if I did it isn't like people go this deep into the Lost Woods, in fact I don't think anyone even knew this cave exhisted. I shouldn't worry myself. I'm kind of in a hurry to leave so I will leave this log book and some of my belongings. I will come back for them in due time.

November 17th
I found this cave... Chomp Chomp. There were some beans way in the back... Chomp Chomp. They taste really good! Chomp Chomp. This book calls them Magic Beans, that's a good name... Chomp Chomp. I don't really get what a lot of this book says... Chomp Chomp. I think maybe that Mido guy was going to grow and sell these beans... Chomp Chomp. I bet he won't mind if I take them and do it for him... Chomp Chomp. Magic Beans will be ALL THE RAGE! ... Chomp Chomp. Yummy Beans.
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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Oho! A tale of intrigue detailing the potential origin of those Magic Beans! Seems they're more than meets the eye! Still, I never expected that I would have to take such drastic action for the cause!

Your work was an entertaining read; thank you! :cool:

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Oho! A tale of intrigue detailing the potential origin of those Magic Beans! Seems they're more than meets the eye! Still, I never expected that I would have to take such drastic action for the cause!

Your work was an entertaining read; thank you! :cool:
You took another lead role in the sequel.


@Link Floyd I dedicate this to you. You asked for more about the Magic Beans incident, I had to do it!

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